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Pierce vs Plunge - What's the difference?

pierce | plunge |

As a proper noun pierce

is , medieval variant of piers modern usage may also derive from the surname.

As a noun plunge is

the act of plunging or submerging.

As a verb plunge is

(label) to thrust into water, or into any substance that is penetrable; to immerse.




  • to puncture; to break through
  • The diver pierced the surface of the water with scarcely a splash.
    to pierce''' the enemy's line; a shot '''pierced the ship
  • * Dryden
  • I pierce her tender side.
  • to create a hole in the skin for the purpose of inserting jewelry
  • Can you believe he pierced his tongue?
  • to break or interrupt abruptly
  • A scream pierced the darkness.
  • (figurative) To penetrate; to affect deeply.
  • to pierce a mystery
  • * Alexander Pope
  • pierced with grief
  • * Shakespeare
  • Can no prayers pierce thee?

    Derived terms

    * piercing


    * Japanese:






    (en noun)
  • the act of plunging or submerging
  • a dive, leap, rush, or pitch into (into water)
  • to take the water with a plunge
    plunge in the sea
  • (figuratively) the act of pitching or throwing one's self headlong or violently forward, like an unruly horse
  • (slang) heavy and reckless betting in horse racing; hazardous speculation
  • (obsolete) an immersion in difficulty, embarrassment, or distress; the condition of being surrounded or overwhelmed; a strait; difficulty
  • Verb

  • (label) To thrust into water, or into any substance that is penetrable; to immerse.
  • To cast or throw into some thing, state, condition or action.
  • To baptize by immersion.
  • (label) To dive, leap or rush (into water or some liquid); to submerge one's self.
  • To fall or rush headlong into some thing, action, state or condition.
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=8 , passage=The day was cool and snappy for August, and the Rise all green with a lavish nature. Now we plunged into a deep shade with the boughs lacing each other overhead, and crossed dainty, rustic bridges over the cold trout-streams, the boards giving back the clatter of our horses' feet:
  • *
  • (label) To pitch or throw one's self headlong or violently forward, as a horse does.
  • * (Joseph Hall) (1574-1656)
  • some wild colt, which flings and plunges
  • To bet heavily and with seeming recklessness on a race, or other contest; in an extended sense, to risk large sums in hazardous speculations.
  • To entangle or embarrass (mostly used in past participle).
  • * (Thomas Browne) (1605-1682)
  • Plunged and gravelled with three lines of Seneca.
  • To overwhelm, overpower.
  • Anagrams



    * * English ergative verbs