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Pin vs Prick - What's the difference?

pin | prick |

As nouns the difference between pin and prick

is that pin is a small device, made (usually) of drawn-out steel wire with one end sharpened and the other flattened or rounded into a head, used for fastening while prick is a small hole or perforation, caused by piercing.

As verbs the difference between pin and prick

is that pin is (often followed by a preposition such as to or on) To fasten or attach (something) with a pin while prick is to pierce or puncture slightly.



(wikipedia pin)


(en noun)
  • A small device, made (usually) of drawn-out steel wire with one end sharpened and the other flattened or rounded into a head, used for fastening.
  • * Milton
  • With pins of adamant / And chains they made all fast.
  • A small nail with a head and a sharp point.
  • A cylinder often of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts.
  • Pull the pin out of the grenade before throwing it at the enemy.
  • A slender object specially designed for use in a specific game or sport, such as skittles or bowling.
  • (in plural'' pins ; ''informal ) A leg.
  • I'm not so good on my pins these days.
  • (electricity) Any of the individual connecting elements of a multipole electrical connector.
  • The UK standard connector for domestic mains electricity has three pins .
  • A piece of jewellery that is attached to clothing with a pin.
  • (US) A simple accessory that can be attached to clothing with a pin or fastener, often round and bearing a design, logo or message, and used for decoration, identification or to show political affiliation, etc.
  • (chess) A scenario in which moving a lesser piece to escape from attack would expose a more valuable piece to attack.
  • (curling) The spot at the exact centre of the house (the target area)
  • The shot landed right on the pin .
  • * Shakespeare
  • the very pin of his heart cleft
  • (dated) A mood, a state of being.
  • * Cowper
  • a merry pin
  • One of a row of pegs in the side of an ancient drinking cup to mark how much each person should drink.
  • (medicine, obsolete) caligo
  • (Shakespeare)
  • A thing of small value; a trifle.
  • * Spectator
  • He did not care a pin for her.
  • A peg in musical instruments for increasing or relaxing the tension of the strings.
  • (engineering) A short shaft, sometimes forming a bolt, a part of which serves as a journal.
  • The tenon of a dovetail joint.
  • Synonyms

    * (small nail) nail, tack * (cylinder of wood or metal) peg * (games) skittle * (jewellery fastened with a pin) brooch * (accessory) badge


    * (jewellery fastened with a pin) breastpin * (chess) absolute pin, relative pin, partial pin

    Derived terms

    * belaying pin * breastpin * clothespin / clothes pin * drawing pin * gudgeon pin * on a pin * on pins and needles * pincushion * pinhead * pinhole * pin money * pinner * pinprick * pins and needles * pintle * pin-up, pinup * rolling pin * safety pin

    See also

    * needle


  • (often followed by a preposition such as'' to''' ''or'' ' on ) To fasten or attach (something) with a pin.
  • (chess, usually, in the passive) To cause (a piece) to be in a pin.
  • (wrestling) To pin down (someone).
  • To enclose; to confine; to pen; to pound.
  • (computing, GUI) To attach (an icon, application, etc.) to another item.
  • to pin a window to the Taskbar
  • Derived terms

    * pin down * pin in * pin on * pin the tail on the donkey * pin up * underpin



    Etymology 1

    From (etyl) prik, prikke, from (etyl) prica, . Pejorative context came from prickers, or witch-hunters.


    (en noun)
  • A small hole or perforation, caused by piercing.
  • An indentation or small mark made with a pointed object.
  • (obsolete) A dot or other diacritical mark used in writing; a point.
  • (obsolete) A tiny particle; a small amount of something; a jot.
  • A small pointed object.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Pins, wooden pricks , nails, sprigs of rosemary.
  • * Bible, Acts ix. 5
  • It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks .
  • The experience or feeling of being pierced or punctured by a small, sharp object.
  • I felt a sharp prick as the nurse took a sample of blood.
  • * A. Tucker
  • the pricks of conscience
  • (slang, vulgar) The penis.
  • (slang, pejorative) Someone (especially a man or boy) who is unpleasant, rude or annoying.
  • (now, historical) A small roll of yarn or tobacco.
  • The footprint of a hare.
  • (obsolete) A point or mark on the dial, noting the hour.
  • * Shakespeare
  • the prick of noon
  • (obsolete) The point on a target at which an archer aims; the mark; the pin.
  • * Spenser
  • they that shooten nearest the prick
    Derived terms
    * pricker * prickle * prickly * pricktease * prickteaser

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) .


    (en verb)
  • To pierce or puncture slightly.
  • John hardly felt the needle prick his arm when the adept nurse drew blood.
  • To form by piercing or puncturing.
  • to prick holes in paper
    to prick a pattern for embroidery
    to prick the notes of a musical composition
  • (dated) To be punctured; to suffer or feel a sharp pain, as by puncture.
  • A sore finger pricks .
  • To incite, stimulate, goad.
  • * (rfdate), (Shakespeare), (Two Gentlemen of Verona) , ii. 7.
  • My duty pricks me on to utter that.
  • To affect with sharp pain; to sting, as with remorse.
  • * Bible, Acts ii. 37
  • Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart.
  • * Tennyson
  • I was pricked with some reproof.
  • (archaic) To urge one's horse on; to ride quickly.
  • (Milton)
  • * 1590 , (Edmund Spenser), (The Faerie Queene) , III.1:
  • At last, as through an open plaine they yode, / They spide a knight that towards them pricked fayre [...].
  • * 1881 , :
  • Indeed, it is a memorable subject for consideration, with what unconcern and gaiety mankind pricks on along the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
  • (transitive, chiefly, nautical) To mark the surface of (something) with pricks or dots; especially, to trace a ship’s course on (a chart).
  • (nautical, obsolete) To run a middle seam through the cloth of a sail. (The Universal Dictionary of the English Language, 1896)
  • To make acidic or pungent.
  • (Hudibras)
  • To become sharp or acid; to turn sour, as wine.
  • To aim at a point or mark.
  • (Hawkins)
  • To fix by the point; to attach or hang by puncturing.
  • to prick a knife into a board
  • * Sandys
  • The cooks prick it [a slice] on a prong of iron.
    (Isaac Newton)
  • (obsolete) To mark or denote by a puncture; to designate by pricking; to choose; to mark.
  • * Francis Bacon
  • Some who are pricked for sheriffs.
  • * Sir Walter Scott
  • Let the soldiers for duty be carefully pricked off.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Those many, then, shall die: their names are pricked .
  • To make sharp; to erect into a point; to raise, as something pointed; said especially of the ears of an animal, such as a horse or dog; and usually followed by up .
  • * Dryden
  • The courser pricks up his ears.
  • (obsolete) To dress; to prink; usually with up .
  • (farriery) To drive a nail into (a horse's foot), so as to cause lameness.
  • (Webster 1913)