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Phlegmatic vs Supine - What's the difference?

phlegmatic | supine | Related terms |

As adjectives the difference between phlegmatic and supine

is that phlegmatic is not easily excited to action or passion; calm; sluggish while supine is lying on its back, reclined.

As nouns the difference between phlegmatic and supine

is that phlegmatic is one who has a phlegmatic disposition while supine is a type of verbal noun.



Alternative forms

* phlegmatick * phlegmaticke * phlegmatique


(en adjective)
  • Not easily excited to action or passion; calm; sluggish.
  • * {{quote-book
  • , year=1873 , author=Jules Verne , title=Around the World in 80 Days , chapter=2 citation , passage=Calm and phlegmatic , with a clear eye, Mr. Fogg seemed a perfect type of that English composure which Angelica Kauffmann has so skilfully represented on canvas.}}
  • * 2013 , A.O. Scott, “How It Looks to Think: Watch Her,” Rev. of , dir. by Margarethe von Trotta, New York Times 29 May 2013: C1. Print.
  • Their friendship (immortalized in a splendid volume of letters that has clearly served as one of Ms. von Trotta's sources) is a fascinating study in cultural and temperamental contrast, an impulsive and witty American paired with a steady, phlegmatic German.
  • (archaic) Abounding in phlegm; as, phlegmatic humors; a phlegmatic constitution.
  • Generating, causing, or full of phlegm.
  • * Sir Thomas Browne
  • cold and phlegmatic habitations
  • Watery (en).
  • Synonyms

    * apathetic, sluggish, cold-blooded, unflappable, stoic


    (en noun)
  • One who has a phlegmatic disposition.
  • supine


    (wikipedia supine)


    (en adjective)
  • Lying on its back, reclined
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2011 , date=December 15 , author=Felicity Cloake , title=How to cook the perfect nut roast , work=Guardian citation , page= , passage=Christmas queen Mary Berry's aubergine five-nut roast, from her Christmas Collection, is, as the name suggests, rather more focused on the nut side of things. Breadcrumbs play second fiddle to a medley of almonds, Brazils, chestnuts, pine nuts and pistachios which, although tangy with lemon juice and garlic, is outrageously dense. A single slice of this could leave you supine in front of the Queen's speech without even the wherewithal to reach for the remote control.}}
  • Leaning backward, or inclining with exposure to the sun; sloping; inclined.
  • * Dryden
  • If the vine / On rising ground be placed, or hills supine .
  • Negligent; heedless; listless; lethargic; indifferent.
  • * Woodward
  • He became pusillanimous and supine , and openly exposed to any temptation.
  • *
  • Passive
  • * 1748 , , Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of moral , London: Oxford University Press: 1973, page 34,
  • Nothing, therefore, can be more contrary than such a philosophy to the supine indolence of the mind.


    * (lying back) reclined * (sloping) inclined, sloping * (lethargic) lethargic, sleepy, tired * (passive) passive, peaceful


    * (lying face down) prone, prostrate

    Derived terms

    * supination


    (en noun)
  • (grammar) A type of verbal noun.
  • See also

    * gerund * infinitive


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