Perse vs Persay - What's the difference?
perse | persay |
A dark greyish blue colour
Dark greyish blue or purple
* 1972 , Peter Chan, Water quality and recreational value analysis on Lake Dubay
As a proper noun perse
is (greek god) an oceanid, (one of the three thousand daughters of the titans' oceanus and tethys), and the wife of the sun god, helios, with who she is the mother of aeetes, perses, pasiphae and circe one of her many sisters is amphitrite, (the wife of poseidon) perse is also closely identified with hecate or perse can be .As an adverb persay is
Derived terms
See also
* ----persay
(-)- Mercury contents did not affect recreation persay but definitely could if found in fish tissue at high levels.