As a proper noun perse
is (greek god) an oceanid, (one of the three thousand daughters of the titans' oceanus and tethys), and the wife of the sun god, helios, with who she is the mother of aeetes, perses, pasiphae and circe one of her many sisters is amphitrite, (the wife of poseidon) perse is also closely identified with hecate or perse can be .
As an adverb accordingly is
(manner) agreeably; correspondingly; suitably; in a manner conformable.
A dark greyish blue colour
Dark greyish blue or purple
Derived terms
See also
en adverb)
(manner) Agreeably; correspondingly; suitably; in a manner conformable.
(conjunctive) In natural sequence; consequently; so.
Usage notes
Synonym notes:
* Consequently , indicates a connection between two things, the latter of which is done on account of the former.
* Accordingly'' marks the connection as one of simple accordance or congruity, leading naturally to the result which followed; as, he was absent when I called, and I ''accordingly'' left my card; our preparations were all finished, and we ''accordingly'' set sail. ''Consequently'' all finished, and we ''accordingly set sail.
* Consequently'' marks a closer connection, that of logical or causal sequence; as, the papers were not ready, and ''consequently could not be signed.
* consequently, therefore, wherefore, hence, so