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Precept vs Percept - What's the difference?

precept | percept |

Percept is a anagram of precept.

As nouns the difference between precept and percept

is that precept is a rule or principle, especially one governing personal conduct while percept is something perceived; the object of perception.

As a verb precept

is to teach by precepts.


Alternative forms

* (obsolete)


(en noun)
  • A rule or principle, especially one governing personal conduct.
  • * 2006 : , The Gift of Language
  • ** I need hardly point out that Pinker doesn't really believe anything of what he writes, at least if example is stronger evidence of belief than precept .
  • * 1891 :
  • ** He found a people in the extreme of barbarism living in caves, feeding upon the bloody flesh of animals they killed in hunting; he taught them many things, so that by his example, and for generations after he left them by his precepts , they advanced to high civilization.
  • (legal) A written command, especially a demand for payment.
  • Verb

    (en verb)
  • (obsolete) To teach by precepts.
  • (Francis Bacon)


    * ----



    (en noun)
  • *1860 , William Hamilton, Lectures in Metaphysics , III.3:
  • *:Whether it might not, in like manner, be proper to introduce the term percept for the object of perception, I shall not at present inquire.
  • (psychology, philosophy) A perceived object as it exists in the mind of someone perceiving it; the mental impression that is the result of perceiving something.
  • *1901 , Charles Sanders Peirce, Grammar of Science :
  • *:I see an inkstand on the table: that is a percept'. Moving my head, I get a different ' percept of the inkstand.
  • *1905 , William James, ‘How Two Minds Can Know One Thing’, Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods :
  • *:So far as in that world it is a stable feature, holds ink, marks paper and obeys the guidance of a hand, it is a physical pen. [...] So far as it is instable, on the contrary, coming and going with the movements of my eyes, altering with what I call my fancy, continuous with subsequent experiences of its ‘having been’ (in the past tense), it is the percept of a pen in my mind.
  • *1946 , Bertrand Russell, History of Western Philosophy :
  • *:Socrates remarks that when he is well he finds wine sweet, but when ill, sour. Here it is a change in the percipient that causes the change in the percept .
  • Anagrams
