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Peckerwood vs Null - What's the difference?

peckerwood | null |

As nouns the difference between peckerwood and null

is that peckerwood is (southern us|slang) a woodpecker while null is zero, nil; the cardinal number before einn.



(en noun)
  • (Southern US, slang) A woodpecker.
  • * {{quote-journal
  • , date = 1900-01-15 , title = A Trip to Fauquier Co., Virginia; With Notes on the Specimens Obtained. , first = T. P. , last = Drowne , journal = The Museum: A Monthly Magazine Devoted to Research in Natural Science , editor = Webb, Walter F. , location = Albion , volume = 6 , issue = 3 , page = 38 , pageurl = http://books.google.com/books?id=ZsXRAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA224&dq=peckerwood , passage = On the morning of the next, one of Mr. White's daughters came into the house to inform me that there was a "peckerwood " in a tree in the yard. I immediately took my gun and went out to investigate thinking that perhaps it was a Pileolated Woodpecker, a bird I wanted to obtain. }}
  • * {{quote-book
  • , year = 1953 , title = The Good Spirit of Laurel Ridge , first = Jesse , last = Stuart , publisher = McGraw-Hill , location = New York , ol = 6136729M , lccn = 53010630 , url = http://books.google.com/books?id=ljpKAAAAMAAJ&dq=peckerwood , passage = When I was a boy, I rooted over an old dead sourwood to get some peckerwood eggs. }}
  • * {{quote-book
  • , year = 1992 , year_published = 2000 , title = The Mountains Won't Remember Us: And Other Stories , first = Robert , last = Morgan , publisher = Scribner , location = New York , ol = 6783044M , isbn = 9780743204217 , page = 40 , pageurl = http://books.google.com/books?id=HGXHWH_BHSIC&pg=PA40&dq=peckerwood , passage = There was nothing but a peckerwood on an oak tree. }}
  • (Southern US) A peckerwood sawmill.
  • *{{quote-journal
  • , date = 1933-01-07 , title = Serving an essential Industry: Lumber , journal = The Traffic World , volume = 51 , issue = 1 , author = Traffic Service Corporation , page = 8 , url = http://books.google.com/books?id=dU9DAQAAIAAJ&dq=peckerwood , passage = Throughout this territory are mills of every variety and size, from the small "peckerwood " tractor mill capable of cutting only a few thousand feet of lumber per day to the world's largest pine lumber mill with a capacity of more than one million feet per day. }}
  • *{{quote-book
  • , year = 2002 , title = Judge Harley and His Boys: The Langdale Story , first = John E. , last = Lancaster , publisher = Mercer University Press , location = Macon , isbn = 9780865548237 , ol = 8317650M , edition = First , page = 222 , pageurl = http://books.google.com/books?id=IO02VExuINMC&pg=PA222&dq=peckerwood , passage = The Langdale Company's new centralized sawmill and debarker in 1958 constituted a tremendous advance over the old peckerwood technology. }}
  • (US, offensive, slang) A white person, especially a Southerner, or one who is ignorant, rustic, or bigoted.
  • * {{quote-book
  • , year = 1946 , first = Mezz , last = Mezzrow , coauthors = Wolfe, Bernard , title = Really the Blues , publisher = Kensington , location = New York , year_published = 2001 , isbn = 9780806512051 , ol = 7941497M , page = 16 , pageurl = http://books.google.com/books?id=V_qO1Foszj8C&pg=PA16&dq=peckerwoods , passage = All the time I was stretched out on the infirmary cot I kept looking at the blank walls and seeing the mean, murdering faces of those Southern peckerwoods when they went after Big Six and the others with their knives. }}
  • * {{quote-book
  • , year = 1967 , title = 'Sippi , first = John Oliver , last = Killens , page = 50 , publisher = Trident Press , location = New York , lccn = 67016400 , ol = 5539087M , url = http://books.google.com/books?id=HKxiAAAAMAAJ&q=peckerwood , passage = Just as prejudiced as a Mississippi peckerwood when it comes to colored people. }}
  • A white (male) inmate, especially one who is racist or who is a member of a race-based prison gang.
  • Quotations



    * (white person) See whitey * (rustic) redneck

    Derived terms

    * featherwood * wood, woodpile

    See also

    * peckerhead




    (en noun)
  • A non-existent or empty value or set of values.
  • Zero]] quantity of [[expression, expressions; nothing.
  • (Francis Bacon)
  • Something that has no force or meaning.
  • (computing) the ASCII or Unicode character (), represented by a zero value, that indicates no character and is sometimes used as a string terminator.
  • (computing) the attribute of an entity that has no valid value.
  • Since no date of birth was entered for the patient, his age is null .
  • One of the beads in nulled work.
  • (statistics) null hypothesis
  • Adjective

    (en adjective)
  • Having no validity, "null and void"
  • insignificant
  • * 1924 , Marcel Proust, Within a Budding Grove :
  • In proportion as we descend the social scale our snobbishness fastens on to mere nothings which are perhaps no more null than the distinctions observed by the aristocracy, but, being more obscure, more peculiar to the individual, take us more by surprise.
  • absent or non-existent
  • (mathematics) of the null set
  • (mathematics) of or comprising a value of precisely zero
  • (genetics, of a mutation) causing a complete loss of gene function, amorphic.
  • Derived terms

    * nullity


    (en verb)
  • to nullify; to annul
  • (Milton)

    See also

    * nil ----