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Pass vs Permit - What's the difference?

pass | permit |

As a noun pass

is pass (between mountains ).

As a verb permit is




Etymology 1

From (etyl) pas, pase, pace, from . See the verb section, below.


  • An opening, road, or track, available for passing; especially, one through or over some dangerous or otherwise impracticable barrier such as a mountain range; a passageway; a defile; a ford.
  • a mountain pass
  • * (rfdate) (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow):
  • "Try not the pass !" the old man said.
  • A single movement, especially of a hand, at, over or along anything.
  • * 1921', John Griffin, "Trailing the Grizzly in Oregon", in ''Forest and Stream'', pages 389-391 and 421-424, republished by Jeanette Prodgers in '''1997 in ''The Only Good Bear is a Dead Bear , page 35:
  • [The bear] made a pass at the dog, but he swung out and above him [...]
  • A single passage of a tool over something, or of something over a tool.
  • An attempt.
  • My pass at a career of writing proved unsuccessful.
  • (fencing) A thrust or push; an attempt to stab or strike an adversary.
  • (figuratively) A thrust; a sally of wit.
  • A sexual advance.
  • The man kicked his friend out of the house after he made a pass at his wife.
  • (sports) The act of moving the ball or puck from one player to another.
  • (rail transport) A passing of two trains in the same direction on a single track, when one is put into a siding to let the other overtake it.
  • Permission or license to pass, or to go and come.
  • * (rfdate) (James Kent):
  • A ship sailing under the flag and pass of an enemy.
  • A document granting permission to pass or to go and come; a passport; a ticket permitting free transit or admission; as, a railroad or theater pass; a military pass.
  • (baseball) An intentional walk.
  • Smith was given a pass after Jones' double.
  • The state of things; condition; predicament; impasse.
  • * 1606 Shakespeare:
  • What, have his daughters brought him to this pass ?
  • * (rfdate) (Robert South):
  • Matters have been brought to this pass , that, if one among a man's sons had any blemish, he laid him aside for the ministry...
  • (obsolete) Estimation; character.
  • * (rfdate) Shakespeare:
  • Common speech gives him a worthy pass .
  • (obsolete, Chaucer, compare 'passus') A part, a division.
  • The area in a restaurant kitchen where the finished dishes are passed from the chefs to the waiting staff.
  • Synonyms
    * gap * thrust * * (movement over or along anything) * transit * (the state of things) condition, predicament, state * (sense) access, admission, entry * (document granting permission to pass or to go and come) * *
    * (rail transport) meet
    Derived terms
    * back pass/back-pass/backpass * backstage pass * backward pass * bandpass * boarding pass * bring to pass * bypass * chest pass * come to pass * coupon pass * don't pass go * drop pass * dry pass * fish pass * flare pass * flat pass * forward pass * free pass * Hail Mary pass * half-pass * hall pass * hand pass * highpass * hospital pass * inbounds pass * incomplete pass * intentional pass * lateral pass * lead pass * lowpass * mountain pass * outlet pass * passband * pass boat * pass book * pass box * pass check * pass-fail * passkey * pass law * pass-remarkable * pass rush * penalty pass * pretty pass * saucer pass * screen pass * short pass * side pass * snap pass * spiral pass * spot pass * two-line pass * userpass * wet pass

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) passen, from (etyl) . More at (l).


  • (lb) Physical movement.
  • #(lb) To move or be moved from one place to another.
  • #:
  • #(lb) To go past, by, over, or through; to proceed from one side to the other of; to move past.
  • #:
  • #*
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=5 , passage=We expressed our readiness, and in ten minutes were in the station wagon, rolling rapidly down the long drive, for it was then after nine. We passed on the way the van of the guests from Asquith.}}
  • #*{{quote-book, year=1944, author=(w)
  • , title= The Three Corpse Trick, chapter=5 , passage=The dinghy was trailing astern at the end of its painter, and Merrion looked at it as he passed . He saw that it was a battered-looking affair of the prahm type, with a blunt snout, and like the parent ship, had recently been painted a vivid green.}}
  • #(lb) To cause to move or go; to send; to transfer from one person, place, or condition to another; to transmit; to deliver; to hand; to make over.
  • #:
  • #:
  • #*(Joseph Addison) (1672-1719)
  • #*:I had only time to pass my eye over the medals.
  • #* (1609-1674)
  • #*:Waller passed over five thousand horse and foot by Newbridge.
  • # To eliminate (something) from the body by natural processes.
  • #:
  • #:
  • # To take a turn with (a line, gasket, etc.), as around a sail in furling, and make secure.
  • #(lb) To kick (the ball) with precision rather than at full force.
  • ## To kick (the ball) with precision rather than at full force.
  • ##* The Guardian , Rob Smyth, 20 June 2010
  • ##*:Iaquinta passes it coolly into the right-hand corner as Paston dives the other way.
  • ##(lb) To move (the ball or puck) to a teammate.
  • ## To make a lunge or swipe.
  • #(lb) To go from one person to another.
  • #(lb) To put in circulation; to give currency to.
  • #:
  • #(lbl) To cause to obtain entrance, admission, or conveyance.
  • #:
  • (lb) To change in state or status, to advance.
  • #(lb) To change from one state to another.
  • #:
  • #(lb) To depart, to cease, to come to an end.
  • #:
  • #*(rfdate) (John Dryden) (1631-1700)
  • #*:Beauty is a charm, but soon the charm will pass .
  • #*, chapter=23
  • , title= The Mirror and the Lamp , passage=The slightest effort made the patient cough. He would stand leaning on a stick and holding a hand to his side, and when the paroxysm had passed it left him shaking.}}
  • #*1995 , Penny Richards, The Greatest Gift of All :
  • #*:The crisis passed as she'd prayed it would, but it remained to be seen just how much damage had been done.
  • # To die.
  • #:
  • #:
  • #:
  • # To go successfully through (an examination, trail, test, etc.).
  • #:
  • #:
  • # To advance through all the steps or stages necessary to become valid or effective; to obtain the formal sanction of (a legislative body).
  • #:
  • #:
  • #:
  • #*{{quote-magazine, date=2012-03, author=William E. Carter, Merri Sue Carter
  • , volume=100, issue=2, page=87, magazine=(American Scientist) , title= The British Longitude Act Reconsidered , passage=But was it responsible governance to pass the Longitude Act without other efforts to protect British seamen? Or might it have been subterfuge—a disingenuous attempt to shift attention away from the realities of their life at sea.}}
  • # To be conveyed or transferred by will, deed, or other instrument of conveyance.
  • #:
  • #:
  • #(lb) To cause to advance by stages of progress; to carry on with success through an ordeal, examination, or action; specifically, to give legal or official sanction to; to ratify; to enact; to approve as valid and just.
  • #:
  • #* (1809-1892)
  • #*:Pass the happy news.
  • # To make a judgment on'' or ''upon a person or case.
  • #*1485 , Sir (Thomas Malory), (w, Le Morte d'Arthur) , Book X:
  • #*:And within three dayes twelve knyghtes passed uppon hem; and they founde Sir Palomydes gylty, and Sir Saphir nat gylty, of the lordis deth.
  • #(lb) To cause to pass the lips; to utter; to pronounce; to pledge.
  • #*(William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • #*:to pass sentence
  • #*(John Milton) (1608-1674)
  • #*:Father, thy word is passed .
  • (lb) To move through time.
  • # To elapse, to be spent.
  • #:
  • # To spend.
  • #:
  • #*(rfdate) (John Milton) (1608-1674)
  • #*:To pass commodiously this life.
  • #*
  • #*:Thanks to that penny he had just spent so recklessly [on a newspaper] he would pass a happy hour, taken, for once, out of his anxious, despondent, miserable self. It irritated him shrewdly to know that these moments of respite from carking care would not be shared with his poor wife, with careworn, troubled Ellen.
  • #*, chapter=23
  • , title= The Mirror and the Lamp , passage=For, although Allan had passed his fiftieth year,
  • #(lb) To go by without noticing; to omit attention to; to take no note of; to disregard.
  • #*(rfdate) (William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • #*:Please you that I may pass / This doing.
  • #*(rfdate) (John Dryden) (1631-1700)
  • #*:I pass their warlike pomp, their proud array.
  • #(lb) To continue.
  • #(lb) To proceed without hindrance or opposition.
  • #(lb) To live through; to have experience of; to undergo; to suffer.
  • #*(rfdate) (William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • #:She loved me for the dangers I had passed .
  • #To go unheeded or neglected; to proceed without hindrance or opposition.
  • #:
  • (lb) To happen.
  • :
  • *1876 , The Dilemma'', Chapter LIII, republished in Littell's ''Living Age , series 5, volume 14, page 274:
  • *:for the memory of what passed while at that place is almost blank.
  • (lb) To be accepted.
  • #(lb) To be tolerated as a substitute for something else, to "do".
  • #:
  • #:
  • #(lb) To present oneself as, and therefore be accepted by society as, a member of a race, sex or other group to which society would not otherwise regard one as belonging; especially to live and be known as white although one has black ancestry, or to live and be known as female although one was born male (or vice versa).
  • In any game, to decline to play in one's turn.
  • #(lb) In euchre, to decline to make the trump.
  • (lb) To do or be better.
  • # To go beyond bounds; to surpass; to be in excess.
  • #*(rfdate) (William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • #*:This passes , Master Ford.
  • #(lb) To transcend; to surpass; to excel; to exceed.
  • #*(rfdate) (Edmund Spenser) (c.1552–1599)
  • #*:And strive to pass Their native music by her skillful art.
  • #*(rfdate) (w) (1788-1824)
  • #*:Whose tender power Passes the strength of storms in their most desolate hour.
  • To take heed.
  • *(rfdate) (William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • *:As for these silken-coated slaves, I pass not.
  • (lb) To come and go in consciousness.
  • Synonyms
    * pass by, pass over, etc. * (go from one limit to the other of) spend * (live through) bear, endure, suffer, tolerate, undergo * (go by without noticing) disregard, ignore, take no notice of * (transcend) better, exceed, excel, outdo, surpass, transcend * (go successfully through) * (obtain the formal sanction of) be accepted by, be passed by * (cause to move or go) deliver, give, hand, make over, send, transfer, transmit * (utter) pronounce, say, speak, utter * (promise) pledge, promise, vow * (cause to advance by stages of process) approve, enact, ratify * (put into circulation) circulate, pass around * (cause to obtain entrance) admit, let in, let past * evacuate, void * (nautical: take a turn with (a line, gasket, etc.), as around a sail in furling, and make secure ) * make * (move or be moved from one place to another) go, move * (change from one state to another) * (move beyond the range of the senses or of knowledge) * (die) pass away, pass over * (come and go in consciousness) * (happen) happen, occur * (elapse) elapse, go by * (go from one person to another) * (advance through all the steps or stages necessary to validity or effectiveness) * (go through any inspection or test successfully) * (to be tolerated) * (to continue) continue, go on * (proceed without hindrance or opposition) * exceed, surpass * take heed, take notice * (go through the intestines) * * thrust * (decline to play in one's turn ): * (sense) * overtake
    Derived terms
    * bypass * don't pass go * let pass * pass across * pass along * pass around * pass away * pass back * pass by * pass down * passer * pass for * pass gas * pass into * pass muster * pass off * pass on * pass out * pass over * Passover * pass-parole * pass the baton * pass the buck * pass the hat * pass the parcler * pass the time/pass time * pass through * pass up * pass upon * pass under the yoke * pass water * pass wind * pass with flying colors * password * ships that pass in the night

    Etymology 3

    Short for password .


  • (computing, slang) A password (especially one for a restricted-access website).
  • Anyone want to trade passes ?




    * asps * saps * spas English ergative verbs 1000 English basic words ----



    Etymology 1

    From (etyl) permitten, from (etyl) permettre, from (etyl) .


  • * (Joseph Addison) (1672-1719)
  • Let us not aggravate our sorrows, / But to the gods permit the event of things.
  • To allow (something) to happen, to give permission for.
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=4 , passage=Mr. Cooke at once began a tirade against the residents of Asquith for permitting a sandy and generally disgraceful condition of the roads. So roundly did he vituperate the inn management in particular, and with such a loud flow of words, that I trembled lest he should be heard on the veranda.}}
  • * 1930 , "Presbytarians", Time , 19 Dec 1930:
  • Last week the decision on two points was conclusive: the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. will not permit' ordination of women as ministers, but will ' permit their election as ruling elders, permission which makes possible a woman as moderator.
  • To allow (someone) to do something; to give permission to.
  • * 2009 , Patricia Cohen, New York Times , 17 Jan 09, p. 1:
  • He was ultimately cleared, but during that period, Mr. Ackman said, his lawyers would not permit him to defend himself publicly.
  • To allow for, to make something possible.
  • * 2006 , Mary Riddell, "Trident is a Weapon of Mass Destruction", The Observer , 3 Dec 06:
  • What was left to say? Quite a lot, if only parliamentary time permitted .
  • * 2009 , John Mitchell, "Clubs Preview", The Guardian , 25 Jul 09:
  • For snackage there's a 1950s-themed diner plus a barbie on the terrace, weather permitting .
  • To allow, to admit (of).
  • * 1910 , , "Reginald in Russia", Reginald in Russia :
  • ‘You English are always so frivolous,’ said the Princess. ‘In Russia we have too many troubles to permit of our being light-hearted.’
  • * 2007 , Ian Jack, The Guardian , 22 Sep 07:
  • "As an instrument of economic policy, incantation does not permit of minor doubts or scruples."
  • (pronounced like noun) To grant formal authorization for (something).
  • (pronounced like noun) To attempt to obtain or succeed in obtaining formal authorization for (something).
  • Usage notes
    * This is a catenative verb that in the active form takes the gerund (-ing)'', but in passive takes the ''to infinitive . See


    (en noun)
  • (obsolete) Formal permission.
  • An artifact or document rendering something allowed or legal.
  • A construction permit can be obtained from the town offices.
    Go over to the park office and get a permit for the
  • 3 shelter.
  • Etymology 2

    An irregular borrowing from (etyl) (m), probably from a Doric variant of (etyl) .


  • A pompano of the species .
  • See also
    * * (Trachinotus) ----