Parage vs Arage - What's the difference?
parage | arage |
(label) Lineage, parentage; rank, especially as high or noble.
*:at souper the knyght sat syr Beumayns afore the damoisel / Fy fy said she syr knyghte ye are vncurtoys to sette a kechyn page afore me hym bysemeth better to stycke a swyne than to sytte afore a damoysel of hyhe parage / thenne the knyght was ashamed atte her wordes / and took hym vp / and sette hym at asyde bord / and sette hym self afore hym / and soo al that nyght they had good chere and mery reste
A feudal institution that recognizes equality of rights and status between two rulers, and equality in the portions of an inheritance.
(obsolete) To enrage.
*1485 , Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur , Book VII:
*:Than every knyght lepe frome the bourde ashamed and araged for wratthe nyghe oute of hir wittis [...].