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Pack vs Number - What's the difference?

pack | number | Related terms |

In lang=en terms the difference between pack and number

is that pack is the team on the field while number is an issue of a periodical publication.

In transitive terms the difference between pack and number

is that pack is to cause to go; to send away with baggage or belongings; especially, to send away peremptorily or suddenly; – sometimes with off. See pack off while number is to label (items) with numbers; to assign numbers to (items).

In intransitive terms the difference between pack and number

is that pack is to depart in haste; – generally with off or away while number is to total or count; to amount to.

As nouns the difference between pack and number

is that pack is a bundle made up and prepared to be carried; especially, a bundle to be carried on the back; a load for an animal; a bale, as of goods while number is an abstract entity used to describe quantity.

As verbs the difference between pack and number

is that pack is to put or bring things together in a limited or confined space, especially for storage or transport while number is to label (items) with numbers; to assign numbers to (items).

As an adjective number is

comparative of numb.




(pack) (en noun)
  • A bundle made up and prepared to be carried; especially, a bundle to be carried on the back; a load for an animal; a bale, as of goods.
  • The horses carried the packs across the plain.
  • A number or quantity equal to the contents of a pack; hence, a multitude; a burden.
  • A pack of lies.
  • A number or quantity of connected or similar things; a collective.
  • A full set of playing cards; also, the assortment used in a particular game; as, a euchre pack.
  • We were going to play cards, but nobody brought a pack .
  • A number of hounds or dogs, hunting or kept together.
  • * 2005 , John D. Skinner and Christian T. Chimimba, The Mammals of the Southern African Subregion?
  • African wild dogs hunt by sight, although stragglers use their noses to follow the pack .
  • A number of persons associated or leagued in a bad design or practice; a gang;
  • a pack of thieves or knaves.
  • A group of Cub Scouts.
  • A shook of cask staves.
  • A bundle of sheet-iron plates for rolling simultaneously.
  • A large area of floating pieces of ice driven together more or less closely.
  • The ship had to sail round the pack of ice.
  • An envelope, or wrapping, of sheets used in hydropathic practice, called dry pack, wet pack, cold pack, etc., according to the method of treatment.
  • (slang): A loose, lewd, or worthless person.
  • (snooker, pool) A tight group of object balls in cue sports. Usually the reds in snooker.
  • (rugby) The team on the field.
  • Synonyms

    (full set of cards) deck

    Derived terms

    * blister pack * bowl pack * daypack * Duluth pack * eight-pack * expansion pack * fanny pack * froth pack * ice pack * jet pack/jetpack/jet-pack * pack animal * pack ice * pack journalism * pack mentality * pack rat * RAM pack * rocket pack * service pack * six-pack


    (en verb)
  • (label) To put or bring things together in a limited or confined space, especially for storage or transport.
  • # (label) To make a pack of; to arrange closely and securely in a pack; hence, to place and arrange compactly as in a pack; to press into close order or narrow compass.
  • #* (Joseph Addison) (1672-1719)
  • strange materials packed up with wonderful art
  • #* (William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • Wherethe bones / Of all my buried ancestors are packed .
  • # (label) To fill in the manner of a pack, that is, compactly and securely, as for transportation; hence, to fill closely or to repletion; to stow away within; to cause to be full; to crowd into.
  • #*{{quote-book, year=1935, author= George Goodchild
  • , title=Death on the Centre Court, chapter=5 , passage=By one o'clock the place was choc-a-bloc. […] The restaurant was packed , and the promenade between the two main courts and the subsidiary courts was thronged with healthy-looking youngish people, drawn to the Mecca of tennis from all parts of the country.}}
  • # (label) To envelop in a wet or dry sheet, within numerous coverings.
  • # (label) To render impervious, as by filling or surrounding with suitable material, or to fit or adjust so as to move without giving passage to air, water, or steam.
  • # (label) To make up packs, bales, or bundles; to stow articles securely for transportation.
  • # (label) To admit of stowage, or of making up for transportation or storage; to become compressed or to settle together, so as to form a compact mass.
  • # (label) To gather in flocks or schools.
  • (label) To cheat, to arrange matters unfairly.
  • # To sort and arrange (the cards) in a pack so as to secure the game unfairly.
  • #* (Alexander Pope) (1688-1744)
  • Mighty dukes pack cards for half a crown.
  • # (label) To bring together or make up unfairly and fraudulently, in order to secure a certain result.
  • #* (Francis Atterbury) (1663-1732)
  • The expected council was dwindling intoa packed assembly of Italian bishops.
  • # (label) To contrive unfairly or fraudulently; to plot.
  • #* (Thomas Fuller) (1606-1661)
  • He lost lifeupon a nice point subtilely devised and packed by his enemies.
  • # (label) To unite in bad measures; to confederate for ill purposes; to join in collusion.
  • #* 1599 , (William Shakespeare), (Much Ado About Nothing) ,
  • This naughty man / Shall face to face be brought to Margaret, / Who, I believe, was pack'd in all this wrong, / Hired to it by your brother.
  • (label) To load with a pack; hence, to load; to encumber.
  • * (William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • our thighs packed with wax, our mouths with honey
  • To move, send or carry.
  • # (label) To cause to go; to send away with baggage or belongings; especially, to send away peremptorily or suddenly; – sometimes with off. See pack off.
  • #* (William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • Till George be packed with post horse up to heaven.
  • # To transport in a pack, or in the manner of a pack (i. e., on the backs of men or animals).
  • # (label) To depart in haste; – generally with off'' or ''away .
  • #* (Jonathan Swift) (1667–1745)
  • Poor Stella must pack off to town.
  • #* (1809-1892)
  • You shall pack , / And never more darken my doors again.
  • # To carry weapons, especially firearms, on one's person.
  • To block a shot, especially in basketball.
  • To wear a simulated penis inside one’s trousers for better verisimilitude.
  • Synonyms

    * stack


    * (make into a pack) unpack

    Derived terms

    * pack away * pack fudge * pack heat * pack horse * pack in * pack off * pack on * pack train * pack up * packer



    Alternative forms

    * (l) (obsolete)

    Etymology 1

    (etyl) .


    (en noun)
  • (countable) An abstract entity used to describe quantity.
  • (countable) A numeral: a symbol for a non-negative integer
  • (countable, mathematics) A member of one of several classes: natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers, quaternions.
  • Indicating the position of something in a list or sequence. Abbreviations: No'' or '' (in each case, sometimes written with a superscript "o", like Nº or №). The symbol "#" is also used in this manner.
  • Quantity.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-08, volume=407, issue=8839, page=52, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= The new masters and commanders , passage=From the ground, Colombo’s port does not look like much.
  • * Francis Bacon
  • Number itself importeth not much in armies where the people are of weak courage.
  • A sequence of digits and letters used to register people, automobiles, and various other items.
  • (countable, informal) A telephone number.
  • * 2001 , E. Forrest Hein, The Ruach Project, Xulon Press, page 86:
  • “[...] I wonder if you could get hold of him and have him call me here at Interior. I’m in my office, do you have my number ?”
  • * 2007 , Lindsey Nicole Isham, No Sex in the City: One Virgin's Confessions on Love, Lust, Dating, and Waiting, Kregel Publications, page 111:
  • When I agreed to go surfing with him he said, “Great, can I have your number'?” Well, I don’t give my ' number to guys I don’t know.
  • (grammar) Of a word or phrase, the state of being singular, dual or plural, shown by inflection.
  • (now, rare, in the plural) Poetic metres; verses, rhymes.
  • * 1635 , (John Donne), The Triple Foole :
  • Griefe brought to numbers cannot be so fierce, / For, he tames it, that fetters it in verse.
  • (countable) A performance; especially, a single song or song and dance routine within a larger show.
  • (countable, informal) A person
  • * 1968 , Janet Burroway, The dancer from the dance: a novel, Little, Brown, page 40:
  • I laughed. "Don't doubt that. She's a saucy little number ."
  • * 1988 , Erica Jong, Serenissima, Dell, page 214:
  • "Signorina Jessica," says the maid, a saucy little number , "your father has gone to his prayers and demands that you come to the synagogue at once [...]"
  • * 2005 , Denise A. Agnew, Kate Hill & Arianna Hart, By Honor Bound, Ellora's Cave Publishing, page 207:
  • He had to focus on the mission, staying alive and getting out, not on the sexy number rubbing up against him.
  • (countable, informal) An item of clothing, particularly a stylish one
  • * 2007 , Cesca Martin, Agony Angel: So You Think You've Got Problems..., Troubador Publishing Ltd, page 134:
  • The trouble was I was wearing my backless glittering number from the night before underneath, so unless I could persuade the office it was National Fancy Dress Day I was doomed to sweat profusely in bottle blue.
  • * 2007 , Lorelei James, Running with the Devil, Samhain Publishing, Ltd, page 46:
  • "I doubt the sexy number you wore earlier tonight fell from the sky."
  • (slang, chiefly, US) A marijuana cigarette, or joint; also, a quantity of marijuana bought form a dealer.
  • * 2009 , (Thomas Pynchon), Inherent Vice , Vintage 2010, page 12:
  • Back at his place again, Doc rolled a number , put on a late movie, found an old T-shirt, and sat tearing it up into short strips
  • (dated) An issue of a periodical publication.
  • the latest number of a magazine
    * (mathematical number) scalar
    * See also
    Derived terms
    * abundant number * algebraic number * binary number * cardinal number * complex number * decimal number * deficient number * do a number on * have someone's number * hexadecimal number * house number * hyperreal number * hypercomplex number * imaginary number * irrational number * meandric number * natural number * nice round number * number-cruncher * number-crunching * number field * number line * number one * number two * number theory * numberless * ordinal number * opposite number * perfect number * phone number * prime number * rational number * real number * round number * serial number * surreal number * take a number * telephone number * transcendental number * transfinite number * whole number * without number * (number)
    See also
    * (grammatical numbers) singular,? dual,? trial,? quadral,? paucal,? plural


    (en verb)
  • To label (items) with numbers; to assign numbers to (items).
  • Number the baskets so that we can find them easily.
  • To total or count; to amount to.
  • I don’t know how many books are in the library, but they must number in the thousands.
    Derived terms
    * number among

    See also


    Etymology 2

    From numb + .


  • (numb)