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Overpowering vs Overbearing - What's the difference?

overpowering | overbearing |

As adjectives the difference between overpowering and overbearing

is that overpowering is that overpowers; so strong as to be overwhelming while overbearing is overly bossy, domineering, or arrogant.

As a verb overpowering

is .




  • Adjective

    (en adjective)
  • That overpowers; so strong as to be overwhelming.
  • * {{quote-book, year=1963, author=(Margery Allingham)
  • , title=(The China Governess) , chapter=1 citation , passage=The original family who had begun to build a palace to rival Nonesuch had died out before they had put up little more than the gateway, so that the actual structure which had come down to posterity retained the secret magic of a promise rather than the overpowering splendour of a great architectural achievement.}}




    (en adjective)
  • Overly bossy, domineering, or arrogant.
  • Synonyms

    * demanding, dictatorial, dominant, haughty, high-handed * See also * See also

    Derived terms

    * overbearingly