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Outlook vs Scenario - What's the difference?

outlook | scenario |

As nouns the difference between outlook and scenario

is that outlook is a place from which something can be viewed while scenario is an outline of the plot of a dramatic or literary work.

As a verb outlook

is to face down; to outstare.




(en noun)
  • A place from which something can be viewed.
  • Perched on the edge of the cliff was a hidden outlook .
  • The view from such a place.
  • An attitude or point of view.
  • He has a positive outlook on life.
  • Expectation for the future.
  • The outlook for temperature rises is worrying.


    * (place from which something can be viewed ): * (view from such a place ): * (attitude, point of view ): attitude, opinion, point of view, viewpoint * (expectation for the future ): expectation, prognosis


    (en verb)
  • To face down; to outstare.
  • * Shakespeare
  • To outlook conquest, and to win renown.
  • To inspect throughly; to select.
  • (Cotton)






    (en noun)
  • An outline of the plot of a dramatic or literary work.
  • A screenplay itself, or an outline or a treatment of it.
  • An outline or model of an expected or supposed sequence of events.
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2012 , date=August 23 , author=Alasdair Lamont , title=Hearts 0-1 Liverpool , work=BBC Sport citation , page= , passage=Hearts were keen to avoid a repeat of the scenario at this stage of last season's competition, when they found themselves two goals down inside the opening quarter of an hour.}}

    Derived terms

    * worst case scenario

    See also

    * scenarii (hypercorrect plural) ----