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What is the difference between one and unit?

one | unit |

In mathematics terms the difference between one and unit

is that one is the neutral element with respect to multiplication in a ring while unit is having a size or magnitude of one.

As a numeral one

is a numerical value equal to 1; the first number in the set of natural numbers (especially in number theory); the cardinality of the smallest nonempty set. Ordinal: first.

As a pronoun one

is one thing (among a group of others); one member of a group.

As a verb one

is to cause to become one; to gather into a single whole; to unite.



Alternative forms

* (l), (l) (both obsolete) * Arabic numeral: (see for numerical forms in other scripts) * Roman numeral: I


  • (cardinal) A numerical value equal to ; the first number in the set of natural numbers (especially in number theory); the cardinality of the smallest nonempty set. Ordinal: first.
  • There is only one Earth.
    In many cultures, a baby turns one year old a year after its birth.
    One''' person, '''one vote.
  • *
  • Venters began to count them—one —two—three—four—on up to sixteen.
  • The ordinality of an element which has no predecessor, usually called first'' or ''number one .
  • Synonyms


    See also



    (English Pronouns (possessive'' ''', ''plural'' ' ones )
  • (lb) One thing (among a group of others); one member of a group.
  • :
  • The first mentioned of two things or people, as opposed to the other.
  • :
  • *1699 , , Heads designed for an essay on conversations
  • *:Study gives strength to the mind; conversation, grace: the first apt to give stiffness, the other suppleness: one gives substance and form to the statue, the other polishes it.
  • (lb) Any person (applying to people in general).
  • :
  • *
  • *:It was not far from the house; but the ground sank into a depression there, and the ridge of it behind shut out everything except just the roof of the tallest hayrick. As one sat on the sward behind the elm, with the back turned on the rick and nothing in front but the tall elms and the oaks in the other hedge, it was quite easy to fancy it the verge of the prairie with the backwoods close by.
  • *, title=The Mirror and the Lamp
  • , chapter=2 citation , passage=She was a fat, round little woman, richly apparelled in velvet and lace,
  • *{{quote-book, year=1963, author=(Margery Allingham), title=(The China Governess)
  • , chapter=5 citation , passage=‘It's rather like a beautiful Inverness cloak one' has inherited. Much too good to hide away, so ' one wears it instead of an overcoat and pretends it's an amusing new fashion.’}}
  • *
  • *:With fresh material, taxonomic conclusions are leavened by recognition that the material examined reflects the site it occupied; a herbarium packet gives one' only a small fraction of the data desirable for sound conclusions. Herbarium material does not, indeed, allow ' one to extrapolate safely: what you see is what you get.
  • *{{quote-magazine, date=2013-09-06, author=(Philip Hoare)
  • , volume=189, issue=13, page=48, magazine=(The Guardian Weekly) , title= If we're all Martians, who are the aliens? , passage=One has to admire the sheer optimism of modern science: I love the fact that there is such a discipline as astrobiology, whose practitioners' task is to imagine what life might be like on other planets. Yet here on the home planet we have profoundly strange aliens of our own.}}
  • (lb) Any person, entity or thing.
  • :
  • Synonyms

    * (unidentified person) you, they in nominative personal case.

    Derived terms

    * oneness * oneself


    (en noun)
  • (mathematics) The neutral element with respect to multiplication in a .
  • The digit or figure 1.
  • (US) A one-dollar bill.
  • (cricket) One run scored by hitting the ball and running between the wickets; a single.
  • A joke or amusing anecdote.
  • * Did you hear the one about the agnostic dyslexic insomniac?
  • (colloquial) A particularly special or compatible person or thing.
  • * I knew as soon I met him that John was the one for me and we were married within a month.
  • * That car's the one — I'll buy it.
  • * 1995 , (Bryan Adams),
  • When you love a woman then tell her
    that she's really wanted
    When you love a woman then tell her that she's the one
    'cause she needs somebody to tell her
    that it's gonna last forever
  • (Internet slang, leet, sarcastic) Used instead of to amplify an exclamation, imitating unskilled users who forget to press the shift key while typing exclamation points.
  • A: SUM1 Hl3p ME im alwyz L0ziN!!?!
    B: y d0nt u just g0 away l0zer!!1!!one'''!!'''one !!eleven!!1!
  • * 2003' September 26, "DEAL WITH IT!!!!11'''one !!", in alt.games.video.nintendo.gamecube, ''Usenet
  • * 2004' November 9, "AWK sound recorder!!!11!!11'''one ", in comp.lang.awk, ''Usenet
  • * 2007' December 1, "STANFORD!!1!!1!'''one'''!11!!1'''oneone !1!1!", in rec.sport.football.college, ''Usenet
  • Synonyms

    * unity * single * , eleven


  • Of a period of time, being particular; as, one morning, one year.
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=4 , passage=One morning I had been driven to the precarious refuge afforded by the steps of the inn, after rejecting offers from the Celebrity to join him in a variety of amusements. But even here I was not free from interruption, for he was seated on a horse-block below me, playing with a fox terrier.}}
  • Being a single, unspecified thing; a; any.
  • Sole, only.
  • Whole, entire.
  • In agreement.
  • The same.
  • Being a preeminent example.
  • Being an unknown person with the specified name.
  • Derived terms

    * all one * one and only * one-on-one * one or two * one-two * one-up * the one


  • (obsolete) To cause to become one; to gather into a single whole; to unite.
  • * Chaucer
  • The rich folk that embraced and oned all their heart to treasure of the world.







    (en noun)
  • (sciences) A standard measure of a quantity.
  • The centimetre is a unit of length.
  • The number one.
  • This pill provides 500 units of Vitamin E.
  • An organized group comprising people and/or equipment.
  • He was a member of a special police unit .
  • (military, informal) A member of a military organization.
  • The fifth tank brigade moved in with 20 units .'' (''i.e., 20 tanks )
  • (US, military) Any military element whose structure is prescribed by competent authority, such as a table of organization and equipment; specifically, part of an organizationJoint Publication 1-02 U.S. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms; 12 April 2001 (As Amended Through 14 April 2006). .
  • (US, military) An organization title of a subdivision of a group in a task force.
  • (US, military) A standard or basic quantity into which an item of supply is divided, issued or used. In this meaning, also called unit of issue.
  • (US, military) With regard to Reserve Components of the Armed Forces, denotes a Selected Reserve unit organized, equipped, and trained for mobilization to serve on active duty as a unit or to augment or be augmented by another unit. Headquarters and support functions without wartime missions are not considered units.
  • (algebra) An element of a ring having a multiplicative inverse. (Formerly just the identity element 1R of a ring.)
  • (geology) A volume of rock or ice of identifiable origin and age range that is defined by the distinctive and dominant, easily mapped and recognizable petrographic, lithologic or paleontologic features (facies) that characterize it.
  • (commerce) An item which may be sold singly.
  • We shipped nearly twice as many units this month as last month.
  • (UK, electricity) One kilowatt-hour (as recorded on an electricity meter).
  • (Australia, New Zealand) a measure of housing equivalent to the living quarters of one household, an apartment where a group of apartments is contained in one or more multi-storied buildings or a group of dwellings is in one or more single storey buildings, usually arranged around a driveway.
  • (historical) A gold coin of the reign of James I, worth twenty shillings.
  • (Camden)


    * (identity element) identity element, unit element


  • For each unit.
  • We have to keep our unit costs down if we want to make a profit.
  • (mathematics) Having a size or magnitude of one.
  • * 1990 , William W. S. Wei, Time Series Analysis , ISBN 0201159112, page 9:
  • Consider the following time sequence
  • *:: Z_t=A\sin(\omega t+\theta),
  • where A is a random variable with a zero mean and a unit variance and \theta is a random variable with a uniform distribution on the interval [-\pi,\pi] independent of A.

    Derived terms

    * construction unit * tractor unit * unit aircraft * unitality * unit cost * unit combat readiness * unit commitment status * unit designation list



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