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Obsequious vs Menial - What's the difference?

obsequious | menial | Synonyms |

Obsequious is a synonym of menial.

As adjectives the difference between obsequious and menial

is that obsequious is (archaic) obedient, compliant with someone else's orders or wishes while menial is of or relating to work normally performed by a servant.

As a noun menial is

a servant, especially a domestic servant.




(en adjective)
  • (archaic) Obedient, compliant with someone else's orders or wishes.
  • Excessively eager and attentive to please or to obey all instructions; fawning, subservient, servile.
  • * 1927 , (Thornton Wilder), (The Bridge of San Luis Rey) , p. 20
  • Translation falls especially short of this conceit which carries the whole flamboyance of the Spanish language. It was intended as an obsequious flattery of the Condesa, and was untrue.
  • (obsolete) Of or pertaining to obsequies, funereal.
  • *
  • … the survivor bound
    In filial obligation for some term
    To do obsequious sorrow…
  • *
  • Whilst I awhile obsequiously lament
    Th’ untimely fall of virtuous Lancaster.

    Usage notes

    * In modern usage, not to be confused with obsequies as the “funereal” sense has become obsolete.


    * (fawning or subservient) fawning, ingratiating, servile, slavish, sycophantic, truckling, people pleaser, kiss-ass



    (wikipedia menial)


    (en adjective)
  • Of or relating to work normally performed by a servant.
  • Of or relating to unskilled work. (rfex)
  • servile; low; mean
  • His sister was a menial girl, but he sought to help her develop a mind of her own.


    (en noun)
  • A servant, especially a domestic servant.
  • *{{quote-book, year=1922, author=(Michael Arlen), title= “Piracy”: A Romantic Chronicle of These Days, chapter=Ep./4/2
  • , passage=The world was awake to the 2nd of May, but Mayfair is not the world, and even the menials of Mayfair lie long abed.}}
  • A person who has a subservient nature.