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Obscurity vs Anonymity - What's the difference?

obscurity | anonymity |

As nouns the difference between obscurity and anonymity

is that obscurity is (label) darkness; the absence of light while anonymity is (uncountable) the quality or state of being anonymous; anonymousness.



  • (label) Darkness; the absence of light.
  • *{{quote-book, year=1907, author=
  • , chapter=6, title= The Dust of Conflict , passage=The night was considerably clearer than anybody on board her desired when the schooner Ventura headed for the land. It rose in places, black and sharp against the velvety indigo, over her dipping bow, though most of the low littoral was wrapped in obscurity .}}
  • * 1919 ,
  • *:I walked in, and Stroeve followed me. The room was in darkness. I could only see that it was an attic, with a sloping roof; and a faint glimmer, no more than a less profound obscurity , came from a skylight.
  • The state of being unknown; a thing that is unknown.
  • *{{quote-book, year=1922, author=(Ben Travers)
  • , chapter=5, title= A Cuckoo in the Nest , passage=The departure was not unduly prolonged.
  • The quality of being difficult to understand; a thing that is difficult to understand.
  • anonymity




  • (uncountable) The quality or state of being anonymous; anonymousness.
  • (countable) That which is anonymous.
  • References
