Oblast vs Uzhhorod - What's the difference?
oblast | uzhhorod |
A region or province in Slavic or Slavic-influenced countries.
* 1979 , Jerry Fincher Hough, How the Soviet Union Is Governed ,
* 2002 , Kathryn Stoner-Weiss, Local Heroes: The Political Economy of Russian Regional Governance ,
* 2010 , Martha Brill Olcott, Kazakhstan: Unfulfilled Promise ,
A city in the Carpathian Mountains in western Ukraine, administrative centre of Zakarpattia province (oblast ).
(wikipedia oblast)Noun
(en noun)page 483,
- The territorial subdivision below the level of the union republic — or at least below the level of the larger union republics — is that of the oblast', the krai, or the autonomous republic. In 1977 there were 120 ' oblasts , 6 krais, and 20 autonomous republics, and they corresponded roughly to the American state in size.
page 119,
- It is important to note, however, that the general pattern of Nizhnii Novgorod oblast' at the top and Tiumen' and Yaroslavl' ' oblasts in the middle, with Saratov at the bottom, occurred too often across all indicators to assume that even those differences in means that were not significant at a .05 confidence level or better occurred merely by chance.
page 194,
- Almaty oblast' (distinct from Almaty city) is the most rural of Kazakhstan's ' oblasts , at just 22.2 percent urban.