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Nonsense vs Insensible - What's the difference?

nonsense | insensible |

As adjectives the difference between nonsense and insensible

is that nonsense is resulting from the substitution of a nucleotide in a sense codon, causing it to become a stop codon (not coding for an amino-acid) while insensible is unable to be perceived by the senses.

As a noun nonsense

is letters or words, in writing or speech, that have no meaning or seem to have no meaning.

As a verb nonsense

is to make nonsense of.



Alternative forms

* nonsence (archaic)


(wikipedia nonsense) (en-noun)
  • Letters or words, in writing or speech, that have no meaning or seem to have no meaning.
  • After my father had a stroke, every time he tried to talk, it sounded like nonsense .
  • An untrue statement.
  • He says that I stole his computer, but that's just nonsense .
  • Something foolish.
  • * 2008 , "Nick Leeson has some lessons for this collapse", Telegraph.co.uk, Oct 9, 2008
  • and central banks lend vast sums against marshmallow backed securities, or other nonsenses creative bankers dreamed up.
  • (literature) A type of poetry that contains strange or surreal ideas, as, for example, that written by .
  • (biology) A damaged DNA sequence whose products are not biologically active, that is, that does nothing.
  • Synonyms

    : See * (something that lacks meaning or absurd statement) ** (mostly colloquialisms or slang) balderdash, baloney, bull, bulldust, bunk, codswallop, drivel, gibberish, hogwash, hooey (US), horse hockey, malarkey, manure, poppycock, prattle, rhubarb (chiefly British), rubbish, twaddle ** (vulgar slang) bollocks (British), bullshit, crap, horseshit (US)

    Derived terms

    * nonsensical * nonsensification * nonsensify

    See also

    * (biology) missense


  • To make nonsense of
  • * Bernard Shaw, "The Red Robe", in James Huneker ed., Dramatic Opinions and Essays by G. Bernard Shaw , volume II, page 73:
  • At the Haymarket all this is nonsensed by an endeavor to steer between Mr. Stanley Weyman's rights as author of the story and the prescriptive right of the leading actor to fight popularly and heroically against heavy odds.
  • To attempt to dismiss as nonsense.
  • * 1997 , "Rockies respond to whip", Denver Post , Jun 3, 1997:
  • "They haven't nonsensed these workouts. They've taken them and used them very well. I didn't know how they'd respond, but they've responded."
  • * 2000 , Leon Garfield, Jason Cockcroft, Jack Holborn , page 131:
  • Very commanding: very much 'end of this nonsensing' . Mister Fared spread his hands and shook his thin head imperceptibly, as if to say he understood
  • * 2006 , Sierra Leone: Petroleum Unit Calls for Auditing , AllAfrica.com, Mar 17, 2006:
  • He further nonsensed press suggestions that the Petroleum Unit was set up to assist in the administration of sporting activities.
  • To joke around, to waste time
  • * 1963 , C. F. Griffin, The Impermanence of Heroes , page 170:
  • When he meant "go and get one" he said to go and get one, with no nonsensing around about "liking" to get one.


    * pooh-pooh, rubbish, whangdoodle


    (en adjective)
  • Resulting from the substitution of a nucleotide in a sense codon, causing it to become a stop codon (not coding for an amino-acid).
  • insensible



    (en adjective)
  • Unable to be perceived by the senses.
  • * Sir Thomas Browne
  • Two small and almost insensible pricks were found upon Cleopatra's arm.
  • * Dryden
  • They fall away, / And languish with insensible decay.
  • Incapable or deprived of physical sensation.
  • * {{quote-book, year=1905, author=
  • , title= , chapter=1 citation , passage=“[…] Captain Markam had been found lying half-insensible , gagged and bound, on the floor of the sitting-room, his hands and feet tightly pinioned, and a woollen comforter wound closely round his mouth and neck?; whilst Mrs. Markham's jewel-case, containing valuable jewellery and the secret plans of Port Arthur, had disappeared. […]”}}
  • Unable to be understood; unintelligible.
  • Not sensible or reasonable; meaningless.
  • * Sir M. Hale
  • If it make the indictment be insensible or uncertain, it shall be quashed.
  • Incapable of mental feeling; indifferent.
  • * Dryden
  • Lost in their loves, insensible of shame.
  • * Sir H. Wotton
  • Accept an obligation without being a slave to the giver, or insensible to his kindness.
  • * 1813 , Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice , Modern Library Edition (1995), page 138
  • In spite of her deep-rooted dislike, she could not be insensible to the compliment of such a man's affection...
  • Incapable of emotional feeling; callous; apathetic.
  • Derived terms

    * insensibility * insensibly


    * (incapable of emotional feeling) insensitive


    * sensible