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Neither vs Bot - What's the difference?

neither | bot |

As a determiner neither

is not one of two; not either.

As a pronoun neither

is not either one.

As a conjunction neither

is not either (used with nor).

As an adverb neither

is (conjunctive) similarly not.

As a noun bot is




(en determiner)
  • Not one of two; not either.
  • *{{quote-book, year=1959, author=(Georgette Heyer), title=(The Unknown Ajax), chapter=1
  • , passage=She was neither learned nor intelligent, but she contrived to dress both herself and her daughter out of a meagre jointure, supplying with her clever fingers what her purse could not buy;


    (English Pronouns)
  • not either one
  • ... because neither is correct.


    (English Conjunctions)
  • Not either (used with nor).
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-22, volume=407, issue=8841, page=68, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= T time , passage=The ability to shift profits to low-tax countries by locating intellectual property in them


  • (conjunctive) similarly not
  • Just as you would not correct it, neither would I.

    Usage notes

    * Neither is used to mean none of two or more. Although some suggest that using the word neither with more than two items is incorrect, it has been commonly used to refer to more than two subjects since the 17th century. The more modern usage does prefer none with more than two things. * There is considerable variation in the number of the verb employed with this construction. :* Examples: ::* "That woman was neither a collector nor an art critic, but she understood the meaning I meant to give that work." — ::* "Has anyone ever loved you so much that they tried to kill you, or perhaps sucked you down into a hole so that you had to kill them to get away? Yeah, me neither." — ::* "You can make a lot of money in this game. Just ask my ex-wives. Both of them are so rich that neither of their husbands work." — ::* "As if it were gold and could be neither good nor bad nor worth more nor worth less but must always be worth the same no matter what." — ::* "Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
    ::: Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat;
    ::: But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
    ::: When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the ends of the earth!" — ::* "Neither you, Simon, nor the fifty thousand, nor the Romans, nor the Jews, nor Judas, nor the twelve, nor the priests, nor the scribes, nor doomed Jerusalem itself understand what power is, understand what glory is, understand at all." —





    (wikipedia bot)

    Etymology 1

    Possibly a modification of Scottish Gaelic .

    Alternative forms

    * bott


    (en noun)
  • The larva of a bot fly, which infests the skin of various mammals, producing warbles, or the nasal passage of sheep, or the stomach of horses.
  • * 1946 , National Research Council of Canada, Canadian Journal of Research: Zoological Sciences , page 76,
  • One deer, later found to be heavily parasitized by bots , suffered severe vomiting attacks during the early spring.
  • * 1984 , Adrian Forsyth, Kenneth Miyata, Tropical Nature , page 157,
  • Jerry prepared a glass jar with sterilized sand to act as a nursery for his pulsating bot , but despite his tender ministrations the larva dried out and died before it could encase itself in a pupal sheath.

    Etymology 2

    From bottom.


  • (British, slang) To bugger
  • (Australia, informal) To ask for and be given something with the direct intention of exploiting the thing’s usefulness, almost exclusively with cigarettes.
  • Can I bot a smoke?
    Jonny always bots off me. I just wish he’d get his own pack.
    Usage notes
    Although there are some references that mention that somebody could actually be a "bot" if they practice the art of botting , this noun is not really commonly used.
    * (To ask for something) bum (UK)

    Etymology 3

    Shortened from robot.

    Alternative forms

    * 'bot


    (en noun)
  • (science fiction, informal) A physical robot.
  • * 1998 , David G. Hartwell (editor), Year's best SF 3 , page 130,
  • I stared at the bot and recognized her for the first time.
    She was me.
  • * 2007 , , The Dreaming Void , unnumbered page,
  • The bot juddered to a halt, as the whole lower segment of its power arm darkened.
  • * 2005 , , Quantico , page 71,
  • As he guided the bot, Andrews reminisced about his younger days in Wyoming, when he had witnessed a mishandled load of wheat puff out a dusty fog.
  • (computing) A piece of software designed to complete a minor but repetitive task automatically or on command, especially when operating with the appearance of a (human) user profile or account.
  • * 2009 , Ryan Farley, Xinyuan Wang, Roving Bugnet: Distributed Surveillance Threat and Mitigation'', Dimitris Gritzalis, Javier López (editors), ''Emerging Challenges for Security, Privacy and Trust: 24th IFIP TC 11 International Information Security Conference , page 42,
  • The goals of IRC bots' vary widely, such as automatically kicking other users off or more nefarious things like spamming other IRC users. In this paper, a free standing IRC ' bot is presented that monitors an IRC channel for commands from a particular user and responds accordingly.
  • * 2009 , Richard K. Neumann, Legal Reasoning and Legal Writing: Structure, Strategy, and Style , page 91,
  • He is particularly good at creating web robots, which are also called bots .
    A bot' is software that searches for certain kinds of websites and then automatically does something — good or bad — on each site. Google uses ' bots to search and index websites.
  • * 2010 , Dusty Reagan, Twitter Application Development For Dummies , page 59,
  • Twitter bots' can leverage Twitter?s text message support to allow users to accomplish tasks from their cell phones. You could consider Twitter accounts that are simply an automated import of blog?s RSS feed a Twitter ' bot .
  • (video games) A computer-controlled character in a multiplayer video game, such as a first-person shooter.
  • Verb

  • (video games) To use a bot, or automated program.
  • Players caught botting will be banned from the server.

    See also

    * Bots