Mostly vs Namely - What's the difference?
mostly | namely |
Mainly or chiefly; for the most part; usually, generally, on the whole.
*{{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-29, volume=407, issue=8842, page=72-3, magazine=(The Economist)
, title= (obsolete) To the greatest extent; most.
* 1817 , , Northanger Abbey , [,M1]:
Especially, above all.
*:THus was sir Tramtryst longe there wel cherysshed / with the kynge and the quene / and namely with la beale Isoud / So vpon a daye / the quene and la beale Isoud made a bayne for syre Tramtryst / And whan he was in his bayne / the quene and Isoud her doughter romed vp & doune in the chamber
Specifically; that is to say.
*{{quote-book, year=1905, author=
, title=
, chapter=1
As adverbs the difference between mostly and namely
is that mostly is mainly or chiefly; for the most part; usually, generally, on the whole while namely is especially, above all.mostly
Alternative forms
* mostlie (obsolete) * moastly (obsolete)Adverb
(-)A punch in the gut, passage=Mostly , the microbiome is beneficial. It helps with digestion and enables people to extract a lot more calories from their food than would otherwise be possible. Research over the past few years, however, has implicated it in diseases from atherosclerosis to asthma to autism.}}
- She was to be their chosen visitor, she was to be for weeks under the same roof with the person whose society she mostly prized [...]!
* (mainly or chiefly) by and large, in the main, more often than notnamely
(-)citation, passage=“The story of this adoption is, of course, the pivot round which all the circumstances of the mysterious tragedy revolved. Mrs. Yule had an only son, namely , William, to whom she was passionately attached ; but, like many a fond mother, she had the desire of mapping out that son's future entirely according to her own ideas.