Not English
Mormyridae has no English definition. It may be misspelled.
en noun)
A tuberous electroreceptor organ found in the skin of weakly electric fish of the family Mormyridae from Africa which is specialized for electrolocation of objects.
*Bennett, M. V. L. (1965) Electroreceptors in Mormyrids. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium Quantitative Biology. 30:245-262.
*Bennett, M. V. L. (1971) Electroreceptors. In: Fish Physiology, W. S. Hoar and D. J. Randall, Eds., pp. 493-574. Academic Press, New York.
*Bell, C. C. (1990) Mormyromast electroreceptor organs and their afferent fibers in mormyrid fish. III. Physiological differences between two morphological types of fibers. J. Neurophysiology. 63(2):319-32.
*Stendell, W. (1914). Morphologische Studien an Mormyriden. Verh. dtsch. Zool. Ges 24, 254-261.
*Szabo, T. (1965) Sense organs of the lateral line system of some electric fish of the Gymnotidae, Gymnarchidae, and Mormyridae. J. Morph. 117:229-250.