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Monster vs Goblin - What's the difference?

monster | goblin |

As a noun monster

is pattern; that from which a copy is made.

As an initialism goblin is

(british|rail transport|informal) line, a railway line in north london.



Alternative forms

* monstre (obsolete)


(en noun)
  • A terrifying and dangerous, wild or fictional creature.
  • A bizarre or whimsical creature.
  • The children decided Grover was a cuddly monster .
  • An extremely cruel or antisocial person, especially a criminal.
  • Get away from those children, you meatheaded monster !
  • A horribly deformed person.
  • * 1837 , Medico-Chirurgical Review (page 465)
  • Deducting then these cases, we have a large proportion of imperfect foetuses, which belonged to twin conceptions, and in which, therefore, the circulation of the monster may have essentially depended on that of the sound child.
  • (figuratively) A badly behaved child, a brat.
  • Sit still, you little monster !
  • (informal) Something unusually large.
  • Have you seen those powerlifters on TV? They're monsters .
  • (informal) A prodigy; someone very talented in a specific domain.
  • That dude playing guitar is a monster .

    Derived terms

    * Cookie Monster * corporate monster * monstrosity * Frankenstein's monster * the Loch Ness monster * monster truck


  • Very large; worthy of a monster.
  • He has a monster appetite.
    (Alexander Pope)
  • * '>citation
  • *
  • *
  • Synonyms

    * (very large) gigantic, monstrous


    (en verb)
  • To make into a monster; to categorise as a monster; to demonise.
  • * 1983 , Michael Slater, Dickens and Women , page 290,
  • A Tale of Two Cities'' and ''Great Expectations feature four cases of women monstered by passion. Madame Defarge is ‘a tigress’, Mrs Joe a virago, Molly (Estella?s criminal mother) ‘a wild beast tamed’ and Miss Havisham a witch-like creature, a ghastly combination of waxwork and skeleton.
  • * 2005 , Diana Medlicott, The Unbearable Brutality of Being: Casual Cruelty in Prison and What This Tells Us About Who We Really Are'', Margaret Sönser Breen (editor), ''Minding Evil: Explorations of Human Iniquity , page 82,
  • The community forgives: this is in deep contrast to offenders that emerge from prison and remain stigmatised and monstered , often unable to get work or housing.
  • * 2011 , Stephen T. Asma, On Monsters: An Unnatural History of Our Worst Fears , page 234,
  • Demonizing or monstering other groups has even become part of the cycle of American politics.
  • To behave as a monster to; to terrorise.
  • * 1968 , , Robert Lowell: A Collection of Critical Essays , page 145,
  • Animals in our world have been monstered' by human action as much as the free beasts of the pre-lapsarian state were ' monstered by the primal crime.
  • * 2009 , Darius Rejali, Torture and Democracy , page 292,
  • In 2002, American interrogators on the ground in Afghanistan developed a technique they called “monstering'.” The commander “instituted a new rule that a prisoner could be kept awake and in the booth for as long as an interrogator could last.” One “' monstering ” interrogator engaged in this for thirty hours.177
  • * 2010 , Joshua E. S. Phillips, None of Us Were Like This Before: American Soldiers and Torture , page 39,
  • The interrogators asked members of the 377th Military Police Company to help them with monstering , and the MPs complied.
  • (chiefly, Australia) To harass.
  • * {{quote-news, year=2009, date=January 31, author=Leo Schlink, title=Match looms as final for the ages, work=Herald Sun citation
  • , passage=Andy Roddick has been monstered by both Federer and Nadal and suffered a 6-2 7-5 7-5 semi-final loss at the hands of the Swiss champion. }}



    (wikipedia goblin)


    (en noun)
  • (fantasy literature) A mythical malevolent phantom or grotesque diminutive humanoid; a kobold.
  • * 1872', , ''The Princess and the '''Goblin , page 50,
  • ""
  • * 2006 , Charlotte Bishop, Norty: The Chosen Ones , page 187,
  • At last the goblins' had a chance to rid themselves of one of the troublesome defenders, and two ' goblin warriors snatched the opportunity.
  • * 2010 , Thom L. Nichols, War: Return of the Elves , Part 1, page 37,
  • The goblin shifted the two younger ones closer to him. It looked like he was hiding behind them, using them as a shield.
    The goblin looked pure evil. His eyes were brown.
  • * 2010', D. S. Macleod, ''The Middle Times: Rise of the '''Goblin King , page 229,
  • I shall send another entourage of goblins' back here to Desput with the '''goblins'''’ new ally the Pixy! These creatures deserve the same respect as any other ' goblin .
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-22, volume=407, issue=8841, page=76, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= Snakes and ladders , passage=Risk is everywhere. From tabloid headlines insisting that coffee causes cancer (yesterday, of course, it cured it) to stern government warnings about alcohol and driving, the world is teeming with goblins . For each one there is a frighteningly precise measurement of just how likely it is to jump from the shadows and get you.}}

    Derived terms

    * goblin shark * (goblin spider) (family )


    * ---- ==Serbo-Croatian==
