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Mock vs Dock - What's the difference?

mock | dock |

As a noun mock

is an imitation, usually of lesser quality.

As a verb mock

is to mimic, to simulate.

As an adjective mock

is imitation, not genuine; fake.

As a proper noun dock is

(us|rare|dated) (male) or nickname.



Alternative forms

* (l) (obsolete)


(en noun)
  • An imitation, usually of lesser quality.
  • (Crashaw)
  • Mockery, the act of mocking.
  • * Bible, Proverbs xiv. 9
  • Fools make a mock at sin.
  • A practice exam set by an educating institution to prepare students for an important exam.
  • He got a B in his History mock , but improved to an A in the exam.


    (en verb)
  • To mimic, to simulate.
  • * Shakespeare
  • To see the life as lively mocked' as ever / Still sleep ' mocked death.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Mocking marriage with a dame of France.
  • To make fun of by mimicking, to taunt.
  • * Bible, 1 Kings xviii. 27
  • Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud.
  • * Gray
  • Let not ambition mock their useful toil.
  • To tantalise, and disappoint (the hopes of).
  • * Bible, Judges xvi. 13
  • Thou hast mocked me, and told me lies.
  • * 1597 , William Shakespeare, Henry IV , Part II, Act V, Scene III:
  • And with his spirit sadly I survive, / to mock the expectations of the world; / to frustrate prophecies, and to raze out / rotten opinion
  • * 1603 , William Shakespeare, Othello , Act III, Scene III:
  • "It is the greene-ey'd Monster, which doth mocke / The meate it feeds on."
  • * 1667 , John Milton, Paradise Lost :
  • Why do I overlive? / Why am I mocked with death, and lengthened out / to deathless pain?
  • * Milton
  • He will not / Mock us with his blest sight, then snatch him hence.
  • * 1765 , Benjamin Heath, A revisal of Shakespear's text , page 563 (a commentary on the "mocke the meate" line from Othello):
  • ‘Mock’ certainly never signifies to loath. Its common signification is, to disappoint.
  • * 1812 , The Critical Review or, Annals of Literature , page 190:
  • The French revolution indeed is a prodigy which has mocked the expectations both of its friends and its foes. It has cruelly disappointed the fondest hopes of the first, nor has it observed that course which the last thought that it would have pursued.


    * See also * See also

    See also

    * jeer


  • Imitation, not genuine; fake.
  • dock


    (wikipedia dock)

    Etymology 1

    (etyl) dokke, from (etyl) docce, from (etyl) - ‘dark’ (compare Latvian duga ‘scum, slime on water’).Vladimir Orel, ''A Handbook of Germanic Etymology'', s.v. “*?ukk?n” (Leiden: Brill, 2003), 78.William Morris, ed., ''The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language'', coll. edn., s.v. “dock4” (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1979), 387; Calvert Watkins, ed., “Indo-European Roots”, Appendix, ''AHD , s.v. “dheu-1”, 1513.


    (en noun)
  • Any of the genus Rumex of coarse weedy plants with small green flowers related to buckwheat, especially the common dock, and used as potherbs and in folk medicine, especially in curing nettle rash.
  • * , II.xi:
  • And vnder neath him his courageous steed, / The fierce Spumador trode them downe like docks [...].
  • A burdock plant, or the leaves of that plant.
  • References

    Etymology 2

    (etyl) dok, from (etyl) -docca (as in fingirdoccana'' (genitive pl.) ‘finger muscles’), from (etyl) ‘to blow’).Wolfgang Pfeifer, ed., ''Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Deutschen , s.v. “Docke” (Munich: Deutscher Taschenbucher Vertrag, 2005).


    (en noun)
  • The fleshy root of an animal's tail.
  • The part of the tail which remains after the tail has been docked.
  • (Grew)
  • (obsolete) The buttocks or anus.
  • A leather case to cover the clipped or cut tail of a horse.
  • Verb

    (en verb)
  • To cut off a section of an animal's tail.
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=4 , passage=The Celebrity, by arts unknown, induced Mrs. Judge Short and two other ladies to call at Mohair on an afternoon when Mr. Cooke was trying a trotter on the track.
  • To reduce (wages); to deduct from.
  • To cut off, bar, or destroy.
  • References

    Etymology 3

    From (etyl) dock ‘mud channel’, from (etyl) docke ‘channel’ (modern dok ‘lock (canal)’), from Old Italian (term) ‘conduit, canal’ or ducta, ductus ‘id.’. More at douche and duct.Marlies Philippa et al., eds., Etymologisch Woordenboek van het Nederlands , A-Z, s.v. “dok” (Amsterdam UP, 3 Dec. 2009): .


    (en noun)
  • A fixed structure attached to shore to which a vessel is secured when in port.
  • *
  • *:With just the turn of a shoulder she indicated the water front, where, at the end of the dock on which they stood, lay the good ship, Mount Vernon , river packet, the black smoke already pouring from her stacks.
  • The body of water between two piers.
  • A structure attached to shore for loading and unloading vessels.
  • A section of a hotel or restaurant.
  • :
  • (lb) A device designed as a base for holding a connected portable appliance such as a laptop computer (in this case, referred to as a docking station ), or a mobile telephone, for providing the necessary electrical charge for its autonomy, or as a hardware extension for additional capabilities.
  • A toolbar that provides the user with a way of launching applications, and switching between running applications.
  • An act of docking; joining two things together.
  • Synonyms
    * (body of water between piers) slip * (structure for loading and unloading vessels) wharf, quay
    * (structure at shore to which vessel is secured) mooring, moorage


    (en verb)
  • To land at a harbour.
  • * 29 February 2012 , Aidan Foster-Carter, BBC News North Korea: The denuclearisation dance resumes [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-17213948]
  • On 28 February, for example, a US Navy ship docked in Nampo, the port for Pyongyang, with equipment for joint searches for remains of US soldiers missing from the 1950-1953 Korean War. China may look askance at the US and North Korean militaries working together like this.
  • To join two moving items.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-01, volume=407, issue=8838
  • , page=13 (Technology Quarterly), magazine=(The Economist) , title= Ideas coming down the track , passage=A “moving platform” scheme
  • (computing) To drag a user interface element (such as a toolbar) to a position on screen where it snaps into place.
  • References

    Etymology 4

    Originally criminal slang; from or akin to Dutch (Flemish) (dok) 'cage, hutch'.


    (en noun)
  • Part of a courtroom where the accused sits.