Missouri vs D - What's the difference?
missouri | d |
A (USstate) Capital Jefferson City; largest city: Kansas City: Postal abbreviation: MO
The longest river in the United States, flowing from Montana to become a tributary of the Mississippi at Saint Louis.
A Native American tribe that originally lived in the Great Lakes region of United States.
(historical) An organized territory in the United States during the nineteenth century.
The fourth letter of the .
D or notch.
cardinal number five hundred (500).
the (path-independent, ) differential of a quantity
voiced alveolar plosive
Image:Latin D.png, Capital and lowercase versions of D , in normal and italic type
Image:Fraktur letter D.png, Uppercase and lowercase D in Fraktur
Image:Uncial d.png, Approximate form of upper case letter D in uncial script that was the source for lower case d