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Migration vs Ecomigration - What's the difference?

migration | ecomigration |

As nouns the difference between migration and ecomigration

is that migration is while ecomigration is the migration of populations for economic or ecological reasons, often as a result of the deterioration of land quality or a shortage of water.




(en noun)
  • An instance of moving to live in another place for a while.
  • Seasonal moving for animals, birds or fishes to breed or find a new home.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-01-01
  • , author=Paul Bartel, Ashli Moore , title=Avian Migration: The Ultimate Red-Eye Flight , volume=101, issue=1, page=47–48 , magazine= citation , passage=Many of these classic methods are still used, with some modern improvements. For example, with the aid of special microphones and automated sound detection software, ornithologists recently reported […] that pine siskins (Spinus pinus ) undergo an irregular, nomadic type of nocturnal migration .}}
  • Movement in general.
  • The migration of lead from a can to the food inside it can cause lead poisoning.
  • (computing) Instance of changing a platform from an environment to another one.
  • Derived terms

    * stepwise migration * migrate * migratory




    (en noun)
  • The migration of populations for economic or ecological reasons, often as a result of the deterioration of land quality or a shortage of water.