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Medium vs Midsized - What's the difference?

medium | midsized |

As a noun medium

is medium.

As an adjective midsized is

of medium size, not particularly large or small.



(wikipedia medium)


  • The nature of the surrounding environment, e.g. solid, liquid, gas, vacuum, or a specific substance such as a solvent.
  • The material or empty space through which signals, waves or forces pass.
  • * Francis Bacon
  • Whether any other liquors, being made mediums , cause a diversity of sound from water, it may be tried.
  • * Denham
  • I must bring together / All these extremes; and must remove all mediums .
  • (senseid) A format for communicating or presenting information.
  • The materials used to finish a workpiece using a mass finishing or abrasive blasting process.
  • A nutrient solution for the growth of cells ''in vitro .
  • * 1996 , Samuel Baron (editor), Medical Microbiology :
  • In some instances one can take advantage of differential carbohydrate fermentation capabilities of microorganisms by incorporating one or more carbohydrates in the medium' along with a suitable pH indicator. Such '''media''' are called differential ' media (e.g., eosin methylene blue or MacConkey agar) and are commonly used to isolate enteric bacilli.
  • The means or channel by which an aim is achieved.
  • A liquid base which carries pigment in paint.
  • A tool used for painting or drawing.
  • Acrylics, oils, charcoal and gouache are all mediums I used in my painting.
  • Someone who supposedly conveys information from the spirit world.
  • Anything having a measurement intermediate between extremes, such as a garment or container.
  • A person whom garments or apparel of intermediate size fit.
  • A half-pint serving of Guinness (or other stout in some regions).
  • A middle place or degree.
  • a happy medium
  • * L'Estrange
  • The just medium lies between pride and abjection.
  • (dated) An average; sometimes the mathematical mean.
  • * Burke
  • a medium of six years of war, and six years of peace
  • (logic) The mean or middle term of a syllogism, that by which the extremes are brought into connection.
  • Derived terms

    * (sense) differential medium


  • (obsolete) Arithmetically average.
  • Of intermediate size, degree, amount etc.
  • Of meat, cooked to a point greater than rare but less than well done; typically, so the meat is still red in the centre.
  • Synonyms

    * See also


    (en adverb)
  • to a medium extent
  • Synonyms







    Alternative forms



  • Of medium size, not particularly large or small
  • *{{quote-news, 2009, January 28, Natasha Singer, Bristol-Myers’s Reliance on Three Drugs Casts Doubt on Strategy, New York Times citation
  • , passage=“We are becoming a midsized company that is leaner, more agile and better able to execute our strategy,” James M. Cornelius, the chief executive of Bristol-Myers, said Tuesday in a call with investment analysts. }}