Heyday vs Mayday - What's the difference?
heyday | mayday |
A period of success, popularity, or power; prime.
A lively greeting.
* 1798 :"Heyday, Miss Morland!" said he. "What is the meaning of this? I thought you and I were to dance together." Jane Austen - Northanger Abbey
(obsolete) An expression of frolic and exultation, and sometimes of wonder.
* 1600 :"Come follow me, my wags, and say, as I say. There's no riches but in rags; hey day, hey day, &c." Ben Jonson - Cynthia's Revels
emergency, need assistance
* 2004 , Ken Wishaw, Helicopter Rescue: The true story of Australia's first full-time chopper doctor? , page 82
As interjections the difference between heyday and mayday
is that heyday is a lively greeting while mayday is emergency, need assistance.As a noun heyday
is a period of success, popularity, or power; prime.heyday
(en noun)- The early twentieth century was the heyday of the steam locomotive.
* (l)Interjection
(en interjection)References
(head)- 'Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!' came the call.