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Measure vs Mass - What's the difference?

measure | mass | Related terms |

Measure is a related term of mass.

As nouns the difference between measure and mass

is that measure is the quantity, size, weight, distance or capacity of a substance compared to a designated standard while mass is march.

As a verb measure

is to ascertain the quantity of a unit of material via calculated comparison with respect to a standard.



(en noun)
  • The quantity, size, weight, distance or capacity of a substance compared to a designated standard.
  • An (unspecified) quantity or capacity.
  • *
  • * 2013 , Daniel Taylor, Danny Welbeck leads England's rout of Moldova but hit by Ukraine ban'' (in ''The Guardian , 6 September 2013)[http://www.theguardian.com/football/2013/sep/06/england-moldova-world-cup-qualifier-matchreport]
  • It ended up being a bittersweet night for England, full of goals to send the crowd home happy, buoyed by the news that Montenegro and Poland had drawn elsewhere in Group H but also with a measure of regret about what happened to Danny Welbeck and what it means for Roy Hodgson's team going into a much more difficult assignment against Ukraine.
  • The precise designated distance between two objects or points.
  • The dimensions or capacity of anything, reckoned according to some standard; size or extent, determined and stated.
  • The tailor took my measure for a coat.
  • * Bible, Job xi. 9
  • The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea.
  • The act of measuring.
  • (Shakespeare)
  • A musical designation consisting of all notes and or rests delineated by two vertical bars; an equal and regular division of the whole of a composition.
  • * '>citation
  • (music) The group or grouping of beats, caused by the regular recurrence of accented beats.
  • (dancing) A regulated movement, especially in a slow and stately dance, corresponding to the time in which the accompanying music is performed.
  • (poetry) The manner of ordering and combining the quantities, or long and short syllables; meter; rhythm; hence, a metrical foot.
  • a poem in iambic measure
  • A rule, ruler or measuring stick.
  • A tactic, strategy or piece of legislation.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-08, volume=407, issue=8839, page=55, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= Obama goes troll-hunting , passage=The solitary, lumbering trolls of Scandinavian mythology would sometimes be turned to stone by exposure to sunlight. Barack Obama is hoping that several measures announced on June 4th will have a similarly paralysing effect on their modern incarnation, the patent troll.}}
  • (mathematics) A function that assigns a non-negative number to a given set following the mathematical nature that is common among length, volume, probability and the like.
  • (arithmetic, dated) A number which is contained in a given number a number of times without a remainder; a divisor.
  • the greatest common measure of two or more numbers
  • (geology) A bed or stratum.
  • coal measures'''; lead '''measures
  • An indicator; something used to assess some property.
  • * {{quote-news, year=2011, date=October 23, author=Phil McNulty, work=BBC Sport
  • , title= Man Utd 1-6 Man City , passage=City were also the victors on that occasion 56 years ago, winning 5-0, but this visit was portrayed as a measure of their progress against the 19-time champions.}}


    * (musical designation) bar * (precise designated distance) metric


    * (mathematics) positive measure, signed measure, complex measure, Borel measure, , complete measure, Lebesgue measure


  • To ascertain the quantity of a unit of material via calculated comparison with respect to a standard.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-01, volume=407, issue=8838, page=11, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= Towards the end of poverty , passage=But poverty’s scourge is fiercest below $1.25 (the average of the 15 poorest countries’ own poverty lines, measured in 2005 dollars and adjusted for differences in purchasing power): people below that level live lives that are poor, nasty, brutish and short.}}
  • To estimate the unit size of something.
  • To judge, value, or appraise.
  • * (John Milton)
  • Great are thy works, Jehovah, infinite / Thy power! what thought can measure thee?
  • To obtain or set apart; to mark in even increments.
  • (rare) To traverse, cross, pass along; to travel over.
  • * (William Shakespeare)
  • A true devoted pilgrim is not weary / To measure kingdoms with his feeble steps.
  • To adjust by a rule or standard.
  • * Jeremy Taylor
  • To secure a contented spirit, measure your desires by your fortunes, not your fortunes by your desires.
  • To allot or distribute by measure; to set off or apart by measure; often with out'' or ''off .
  • * Bible, Matthew vii. 2
  • With what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
  • * Addison
  • That portion of eternity which is called time, measured out by the sun.

    Derived terms

    * measurement * measure stick * measure theory



    Etymology 1

    In late (etyl) (circa 1400) as masse in the sense of "lump, quantity of matter", from (etyl) masse, in (etyl) attested from the 11th century, via late (etyl) . The sense of "a large number or quantity" arises circa 1580. The scientific sense is from 1687 (as Latin massa) in the works of , with the first English use (as mass) occurring in 1704.


  • (label) Matter, material.
  • # A quantity of matter cohering together so as to make one body, or an aggregation of particles or things which collectively make one body or quantity, usually of considerable size; as, a mass of ore, metal, sand, or water.
  • #* 1718 [1704], (w), (Opticks), Second Edition:
  • And if it were not for the?e Principles the Bodies of the Earth, Planets, Comets, Sun, and all things in them would grow cold and freeze, and become inactive Ma??es ; .
  • #* 1821 , (George Buchanan) (Latin original Rerum Scoticarum Historia'', 1582), translator not named, ''The History of Scotland, from the Earliest Accounts of that Nation, to the Reign of King James VI , Volume 1, page 133,
  • and because a deep mass of continual sea is slower stirred to rage.
  • # (label) Precious metal, especially gold or silver.
  • #* 1596 , (Edmund Spenser), (The Faerie Queene) , IV.10:
  • Right in the midst the Goddesse selfe did stand / Upon an altar of some costly masse […].
  • # (label) The quantity of matter which a body contains, irrespective of its bulk or volume. It is one of four fundamental properties of matter. It is measured in kilograms in the SI system of measurement.
  • # (label) A medicinal substance made into a cohesive, homogeneous lump, of consistency suitable for making pills; as, blue mass.
  • # (label) A palpable or visible abnormal globular structure; a tumor.
  • # (label) Excess body weight, especially in the form of muscle hypertrophy.
  • #* 1988 , Steve Holman, "Christian Conquers Columbus", 47 (6): 28-34.
  • After all, muscle maniacs go "ga ga" over mass no matter how it's presented.
  • A large quantity; a sum.
  • * 1829 , Sir (Walter Raleigh), The Works of Sir Walter Ralegh, Kt , Volume VIII,
  • he hath discovered to me the way to five or six of the richest mines which the Spaniard hath, and whence all the mass of gold that comes into Spain in effect is drawn.
  • * 1869 , Alexander George Richey, Lectures on the History of Ireland: Down to A. D. 1534 , page 204,
  • For though he had spent a huge mass of treasure in transporting his army, .
  • (label) Large in number.
  • # Bulk; magnitude; body; size.
  • #* c.1599-1601 , (William Shakespeare), , Act 4, Scene 4,
  • Witness this army of such mass and charge / Led by a delicate and tender prince,
  • # The principal part; the main body.
  • #* 1881 , (Thucydides), (Benjamin Jowett) Thucydides translated into English , Volume 1, page 310,
  • Night closed upon the pursuit, and aided the mass of the fugitives in their escape.
  • # A large body of individuals, especially persons.
  • # (label) The lower classes of persons.
  • See also
    * Customary units: slug, pound, ounce, long ton (1.12 short tons), short ton (commonly used) * Metric units: gram (g), kilogram (kg), metric ton
    Derived terms
    * blue mass * critical mass * land mass, landmass * mass burial * mass center * mass copper * mass culture * mass destruction * mass defect * mass energy * mass extinction * mass flow * mass funeral * mass grave * mass hysteria * mass market * mass media * mass medium * mass murder * mass murderer * mass noun * mass number * mass of maneuver * mass produce * mass production * mass shift * mass spectrometer * mass spectrometry * mass starvation * mass surveillance * mass transfer * mass transit * mass transportation * mass wasting * Planck mass * reduced mass * the masses


  • To form or collect into a mass; to form into a collective body; to bring together into masses; to assemble.
  • * 1829 , William Burke, John Macnee, Trial of William Burke and Helen M'Dougal: Before the High Court of Judiciary, William Hare ,
  • They would unavoidably mix up the whole of these declarations, and mass them together, although the Judge might direct the Jury not to do so.
  • * 1857 , Edward Henry Nolan, The Illustrated History of the War against Russia , Parts 93-111, page 432,
  • Every bend on the hill had acted like a funnel to mass them together in this peculiar way.
  • * 1869 , H. P. Robinson, Pictorial Effect in Photography: Being Hints on Composition and Chiariscuro for Photographers ,
  • Where there is too great a repetition of forms, light and shade will break them up or mass them together.
  • To have a certain mass.
  • I mass 70 kilograms


  • Involving a mass of things; concerning a large quantity or number.
  • There is evidence of mass extinctions in the distant past.
  • * 1988 , V. V. Zagladin, Vitaly Baskakov, International Working Class and Communist Movement: Historical Record, 1830s to Mid-1940s , page 236,
  • The national liberation movement had not yet developed to a sufficiently mass scale.
  • * 1989 , Creighton Peden, Larry E. Axel (editors), God, Values, and Empiricism: Issues in Philosophical Theology , page 2,
  • With perhaps unprecedented magnitude and clarity, Auschwitz brings theologians and philosophers face to face with the facts of suffering on an incredibly mass scale, with issues poignantly raised concerning the absence of divine intervention or the inadequacies of divine power or benevolence; .
  • * 2010 , John Horne, A Companion to World War I , page 159,
  • The air arms did more than provide the warring nations with individual heroes, for their individual exploits occurred within the context of an increasingly mass aerial effort in a war of the masses.
  • Involving a mass of people; of, for, or by the masses.
  • Mass unemployment resulted from the financial collapse.
  • * 1958 , Child Welfare, volume 37, page 2:
  • Every agency is sold on use of mass' media today — or at least, it thinks it is — and what can be "' masser " than television?
  • * 1970 , James Wilson White, The S?kagakkai and Mass Society , page 3,
  • While agreeing with Bell on the unlikelihood that any fully mass — in the sense of atomized and alienated — society has ever existed,5 I believe that at any point in time, in any social system, some elements may be characterized as "masses."
  • * 1974 , Edward Abraham Cohn, The Political Economy of Environmental Enhancement , page 91:
  • Undoubtedly this is the case; at least it is "masser " than in Pinchot's time.
  • * 1999 December, Sara Miles, Rebel with a Cause'', in '' , page 132,
  • But it also highlights the changes that have taken place in gay and AIDS activism, and the way that a formerly mass movement has been recast.
  • * 2000 , Howie Klein, Queer as role models'', in ''The Advocate , number 825, 21 November 2000, page 9:
  • The director didn't make the images up; they're there, but in putting that one slice of gay life into the massest' of ' mass media — the amoral promiscuity, the drug and alcohol abuse, the stereotyped flamboyance and campiness, the bitchy queeniness and flimsy values — something very dangerous happens [...]
  • * 2001 , Brian Moeran. Asian Media Productions , page 13:
  • [...] if only because it promises the ‘massest'’ of ' mass markets.
  • * 2004 , John R. Hall, Gone from the Promised Land: Jonestown in American Cultural History , page 79,
  • Finally, in the past century, secular culture itself has undergone a transition from predominantly folk styles to an overwhelmingly mass culture, .
  • * 2007 , Thomas Peele, Queer popular culture: literature, media, film, and television , page 11:
  • As a right, we come to expect it, and that happens through the mass' media, the ' massest of which, by far, is television.

    Derived terms

    * mass extinction

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) masse, from (etyl) . More at (l).


  • (Christianity) The Eucharist, now especially in Roman Catholicism.
  • (Christianity) Celebration of the Eucharist.
  • The sacrament of the Eucharist.
  • A musical setting of parts of the mass.
  • Verb

  • (obsolete) To celebrate mass.
  • (Hooker)


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