Crystalclear is likely misspelled.
Crystalclear has no English definition.
As a noun manus
is a hand, as the part of the fore limb below the forearm in a man, or the corresponding part in other vertebrates.
(formal) A hand, as the part of the fore limb below the forearm in a man, or the corresponding part in other vertebrates.
(obsolete, Roman law) The power over other people, especially that of a man over his wife.
Derived terms
* amanuensis
* Bimana
* bimanous
* command
* immane
* longimanous
* mainpast
* mainport
* maintain
* manacle
* manciple
* maniable
* manichord
* manicure
* manifest
* maniform
* manilla
* maniple
* manitrunk
* manner
* manoeuvre
* manual
* manuduct
* manufact
* manufaction
* manufacture
* manmotive
* manumotor
* manuprisor
* manuscribe
* manuscript
* manuscription
* manutergium
* manu-tract
* massage
* masturbate
* mortmain
* pedimane
* Quadrumana
Not English
Crystalclear has no English definition. It may be misspelled.