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Management vs Strategy - What's the difference?

management | strategy |

As nouns the difference between management and strategy

is that management is management (administration; the process or practice of managing) while strategy is the science and art of military command as applied to the overall planning and conduct of warfare.



  • (uncountable, management) Administration; the process or practice of managing.
  • (management) The executives of an organisation, especially senior executives.
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=4 , passage=Mr. Cooke at once began a tirade against the residents of Asquith for permitting a sandy and generally disgraceful condition of the roads. So roundly did he vituperate the inn management in particular, and with such a loud flow of words, that I trembled lest he should be heard on the veranda.}}
  • (uncountable) Judicious use of means to accomplish an end.
  • Synonyms

    * (process or practice of managing) mgt, mgmt

    Derived terms

    (Terms derived from management) * advanced traffic management * anger management * content management system * cross-platform application management * change management * database management system * inventory management * knowledge management * data management * document management system * management summary * master data management * micromanagement * middle management * time management * management cybernetics * strategic management * Human Resource Management * risk management * package management system * performance management system * project management * soil management



  • The science and art of military command as applied to the overall planning and conduct of warfare.
  • A plan of action intended to accomplish a specific goal.
  • * {{quote-book, year=1913, author=
  • , title=Lord Stranleigh Abroad , chapter=4 citation , passage=“I came down like a wolf on the fold, didn’t I??? Why didn’t I telephone??? Strategy', my dear boy, ' strategy . This is a surprise attack, and I’d no wish that the garrison, forewarned, should escape. …”}}
  • * {{quote-magazine, year=2013, month=May-June, author= William E. Conner
  • , title= An Acoustic Arms Race , volume=101, issue=3, page=206-7, magazine=(American Scientist) , passage=Earless ghost swift moths become “invisible” to echolocating bats by forming mating clusters close
  • The art of using similar techniques in politics or business.
  • Usage notes

    * Verbs often used with "strategy": drive, follow, pursue, execute, implement, adopt, abandon, accept, reject.

    Derived terms

    * exit strategy * strategic * strategics * strategist

    Coordinate terms

    * (an art of using similar techniques in politics or business) tactics

    See also

    * long game