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Loathe vs Remorse - What's the difference?

loathe | remorse |

As a verb loathe

is to hate, detest, revile.

As a noun remorse is

a feeling of regret or sadness for doing wrong or sinning.




  • To hate, detest, revile.
  • I loathe scrubbing toilets.
    I absolutely loathe hydrangeas.
  • * Cowley
  • Loathing the honeyed cakes, I Ionged for bread.
  • *
  • *
  • Usage notes

    Sometimes confused with the similarly-pronounced (loath), a related adjective.


    * hate * detest * See also

    Derived terms

    * loathing * loathsome

    See also

    * abhor * despise * detest * dislike * hate * abominate


    Alternative forms

    * (obsolete)


  • A feeling of regret or sadness for doing wrong or sinning.
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2011 , date=December 14 , author=Steven Morris , title=Devon woman jailed for 168 days for killing kitten in microwave , work=Guardian citation , page= , passage=Jailing her on Wednesday, magistrate Liz Clyne told Robins: "You have shown little remorse either for the death of the kitten or the trauma to your former friend Sarah Knutton." She was also banned from keeping animals for 10 years.}}
  • * 1897 , ,"
  • Failure, disgrace, poverty, sorrow, despair, suffering, tears even, the broken words that come from lips in pain, remorse that makes one walk on thorns, conscience that condemns . . . —all these were things of which I was afraid.
  • (obsolete) Sorrow; pity; compassion.
  • * 1597 , , King John , act 4, sc. 3,
  • This is the bloodiest shame,
    The wildest savagery, the vilest stroke,
    That ever wall-eyed wrath or staring rage
    Presented to the tears of soft remorse .


    * (regret or sadness for doing wrong) agenbite, compunction, contrition, penitence, repentance, self-reproach * See also

    Derived terms

    (Terms derived from "remorse") * buyer's remorse * remorseless


    * regret, sadness

    See also

    * apology