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Live vs Hang - What's the difference?

live | hang |

In intransitive terms the difference between live and hang

is that live is to survive; to persevere; to continue while hang is to float, as if suspended.

In transitive terms the difference between live and hang

is that live is to act habitually in conformity with; to practice while hang is to decorate (something) with hanging objects.

As an adjective live

is having life; that is alive.

As an adverb live

is of an event, as it happens; in real time; direct.

As a noun hang is

the way in which something hangs.



Etymology 1

From (etyl) liven, from (etyl) ), Dutch ''leven'', Old High German ''leb?n]]'' (German ''leben''), Old Norse ''lifa'' (Swedish ''leva ), Gothic [[???????????????????? (liban).


  • (lb) To be alive; to have life.
  • :
  • (lb) To have permanent residence somewhere, to inhabit, to reside.
  • :
  • *
  • *:Athelstan Arundel walked home all the way, foaming and raging. No omnibus, cab, or conveyance ever built could contain a young man in such a rage. His mother lived at Pembridge Square, which is four good measured miles from Lincoln's Inn.
  • *, chapter=10
  • , title= The Mirror and the Lamp , passage=It was a joy to snatch some brief respite, and find himself in the rectory drawing–room. Listening here was as pleasant as talking; just to watch was pleasant. The young priests who lived here wore cassocks and birettas; their faces were fine and mild, yet really strong, like the rector's face; and in their intercourse with him and his wife they seemed to be brothers.}}
  • (lb) To survive; to persevere; to continue.
  • :
  • To cope.
  • :
  • (lb) To spend, as one's life; to pass; to maintain; to continue in, constantly or habitually.
  • :
  • *
  • *{{quote-news, year=2011, date=December 19, author=Kerry Brown, title= Kim Jong-il obituary, work=The Guardian
  • , passage=By 1980, South Korea had overtaken its northern neighbour, and was well on its way to being one of the Asian tigers – high-performing economies, with democratic movements ultimately winning power in the 1990s. The withdrawal of most Soviet aid in 1991, with the fall of the Soviet empire, pushed North Korea further down. Kim Il-sung had held a genuine place on North Korean people's affections. His son was regarded as a shadowy playboy, with rumours circulating over the years that he imported Russian and Chinese prostitutes, and lived a life of profligacy and excess.}}
  • *{{quote-magazine, title= Towards the end of poverty
  • , date=2013-06-01, volume=407, issue=8838, page=11, magazine=(The Economist) , passage=But poverty’s scourge is fiercest below $1.25 (the average of the 15 poorest countries’ own poverty lines, measured in 2005 dollars and adjusted for differences in purchasing power): people below that level live lives that are poor, nasty, brutish and short.}}
  • (lb) To act habitually in conformity with; to practice.
  • *(John Foxe) (1516/7-1587)
  • *:to live the Gospel
  • *
  • To outlast danger; to float; said of a ship, boat, etc.
  • :
  • *(William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • *:a strong mast that lived upon the sea
  • Derived terms
    * live and die * live and let live * live down * live for the day * live in sin * live in the past * live large * live off * live on * live on the edge * live out * live over * live over the brush * live the dream * live up * live with * long live * outlive * overlive * relive
    See also
    * abide * dwell * reside * stay

    Etymology 2

    See alive


  • (only used attributively) Having life; that is alive.
  • The post office will not ship live animals.
  • Being in existence; actual
  • He is a live example of the consequences of excessive drinking.
  • Having active properties; being energized.
  • Operational; being in actual use rather than in testing.
  • (engineering) Imparting power; having motion.
  • the live spindle of a lathe
  • (sports) Still in active play.
  • a live ball
  • (broadcasting) Seen or heard from a broadcast, as it happens.
  • The station presented a live news program every evening.
  • Of a performance or speech, in person.
  • This nightclub has a live band on weekends.
  • Of a recorded performance, made in front of an audience, or not having been edited after recording.
  • Of firearms or explosives, capable of causing harm.
  • The air force practices dropping live bombs on the uninhabited island.
  • (circuitry) Electrically charged or energized, usually indicating that the item may cause electrocution if touched.
  • Use caution when working near live wires.
  • (poker) Being a bet which can be raised by the bettor, usually in reference to a blind or straddle.
  • Tommy's blind was live , so he was given the option to raise.
  • Featuring humans; not animated, in the phrases “live actors” or “live action”.
  • Being in a state of ignition; burning.
  • a live''' coal; '''live embers
  • (obsolete) Full of earnestness; active; wide awake; glowing.
  • a live man, or orator
  • (obsolete) Vivid; bright.
  • * Thomson
  • the live carnation
    Usage notes
    * Live'' in the sense of "having life" is used only attributively (before a noun), as in "live animals". Predicatively (after the noun), ''alive'' is used, as in "be alive". ''Living may be used either attributively or predicatively.
    * (having life) living, alive * (electrically charged) hot * (in person) in person, in the flesh
    * (having life) dead * (capable of causing harm) blank, dummy * (electrically charged) neutral, dead * (as it happens) recorded, prerecorded * (in person) broadcast * (featuring humans) animated
    Derived terms
    * lively * live one * live rail * live wire
    * live actors * live action * live album * live broadcast * live recording


    (en adverb)
  • Of an event, as it happens; in real time; direct.
  • The concert was broadcast live by radio.
  • Of making a performance or speech, in person.
  • ''He'll be appearing live at the auditorium.





    (wikipedia hang)

    Etymology 1

    A fusion of (etyl) .


  • (lb) To be or remain suspended.
  • :
  • *
  • *:On the dark-green walls hung a series of eight engravings, portraits of early Victorian belles, clad in lace and tarletan ball dresses, clipped from an old Book of Beauty. Mrs. Bunting was very fond of these pictures; she thought they gave the drawing-room a note of elegance and refinement.
  • (lb) To float, as if suspended.
  • :
  • (lb) To hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner or position instead of erect.
  • :
  • (lb) To cause (something) to be suspended, as from a hook, hanger or the like.
  • :
  • :
  • ::It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
  • To execute (someone) by suspension from the neck.
  • :
  • *{{quote-book, year=1963, author=(Margery Allingham), title=(The China Governess)
  • , chapter=3 citation , passage=‘[…] There's every Staffordshire crime-piece ever made in this cabinet, and that's unique. The Van Hoyer Museum in New York hasn't that very rare second version of Maria Marten's Red Barn over there, nor the little Frederick George Manning—he was the criminal Dickens saw hanged on the roof of the gaol in Horsemonger Lane, by the way—’}}
  • To be executed by suspension by one's neck from a gallows, a tree, or other raised bar, attached by a rope tied into a noose.
  • :
  • To loiter, hang around, to spend time idly.
  • :
  • (lb) To exhibit (an object) by hanging.
  • (lb) To apply (wallpaper or drywall to a wall).
  • :
  • (lb) To decorate (something) with hanging objects.
  • :
  • To remain persistently in one's thoughts.
  • *1895 , H. G. Wells, The Time Machine , Ch.X:
  • *:Exploring, I found another short gallery running transversely to the first. This appeared to be devoted to minerals, and the sight of a block of sulphur set my mind running on gunpowder. But I could find no saltpeter; indeed no nitrates of any kind. Doubtless they had deliquesced ages ago. Yet the sulphur hung in my mind and set up a train of thinking.
  • To stop responding to manual input devices such as keyboard or mouse.
  • :
  • To cause (a program or computer) to stop responding.
  • :
  • To cause (a piece) to become vulnerable to capture.
  • :
  • To be vulnerable to capture.
  • :
  • Synonyms
    * (be or remain suspended) be suspended, dangle * (float as if suspended) float, hover * lynch, string up * (be executed) go to the gallows, swing (informal) * (loiter) hang about, hang around, loiter * freeze, lock up * suspend * (hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner or position instead of erect) drop, lower * (to place on a hook) hook, hook up * (exhibit) exhibit, show * put up * bedeck, deck, decorate * freeze, lock up * *
    Usage notes
    * Formerly, at least through the 16th century, the past tense of the transitive use of (term) was (hanged) (see quote from King James Bible, above). This form is retained for the legal senses "to be executed by suspension from the neck" and "to execute by suspension from the neck" and (hung) for all other meanings. However, this rule is not uniformly understood or observed. (term) is sometimes substituted for (term), which would be considered inappropriate in legal or other formal writing (for the applicable senses only) or, more rarely, vice versa . See also – in Old English there were separate words for transitive (whence (term)) and intransitive (whence (term)).
    Derived terms
    * behang * hang a left * hang a right * hang about * hang around * hang back * hangdog * * hanger * hang fire * hang-glider * hang in * hang in the balance * hang in there * hanging * hang it * hangman * hangnail * hang off * hang on * hang onto * hang out * hang out to dry * hang-out, hangout * hangover * hang ten * hang together * hang tough * hang up * hang-up, hangup * I'll be hanged * leave hanging * overhang * underhang


    (en noun)
  • The way in which something hangs.
  • ''This skirt has a nice hang .
  • (figuratively) A grip, understanding
  • ''He got the hang of it after only two demonstrations
  • (computing) An instance of ceasing to respond to input devices.
  • ''We sometimes get system hangs .
  • A sharp or steep declivity or slope.
  • Derived terms
    * get the hang of

    Etymology 2

    From hang sangwich, Irish colloquial pronunciation of (term) sandwich.


  • (Ireland, informal, derogatory) Cheap, processed ham (cured pork), often made specially for sandwiches.
  • Etymology 3