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Lip vs Flange - What's the difference?

lip | flange |

As an adverb lip

is .

As a noun flange is

an external or internal rib or rim, used either to add strength or to hold something in place.

As a verb flange is

to be bent into a flange.




  • (countable) Either of the two fleshy protrusions around the opening of the mouth.
  • * Bible, Jeb. xv. 6
  • Thine own lips testify against thee.
  • (countable) A part of the body that resembles a lip, such as the edge of a wound or the labia.
  • {{quote-Fanny Hill, part=2 , I twisted my thighs, squeezed, and compressed the lips of that virgin slit}}
  • (countable) The projecting rim of an open container; a short open spout.
  • (slang, uncountable) Backtalk; verbal impertinence.
  • Don’t give me any lip !
  • The edge of a high spot of land.
  • * 1913 ,
  • They toiled forward along a tiny path on the river’s lip . Suddenly it vanished. The bank was sheer red solid clay in front of them, sloping straight into the river.
  • * 1894 , David Livingstone, A Popular Account of Dr Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and its Tributaries ,
  • We landed at the head of Garden Island, which is situated near the middle of the river and on the lip' of the Falls. On reaching that ' lip , and peering over the giddy height, the wondrous and unique character of the magnificent cascade at once burst upon us.
  • The sharp cutting edge on the end of an auger.
  • (botany) One of the two opposite divisions of a labiate corolla.
  • (botany) The distinctive petal of the Orchis family.
  • (zoology) One of the edges of the aperture of a univalve shell.
  • Synonyms

    * (either of the fleshy protrusions around the mouth) labium (medical term ) * (part of body resembling a lip) labium (medical) * (rim of an open container) edge, rim * (impertinence) backchat, cheek (informal), impudence, rudeness

    Derived terms

    * black lip * cleft lip * fat lip * lip gloss * lipless * liplike * lip-lock * lipped * lipping * lippy * lip-read * lip-reader * lip service * lip-smacking * lipstick * lip-strap * lip-synch * loose lip * tight-lipped


  • To touch with the lips; to kiss or lick; to lap the lips against something.
  • * Praed
  • The bubble on the wine which breaks / Before you lip the glass.
  • * Shakespeare
  • A hand that kings / Have lipped and trembled kissing.
  • To utter verbally.
  • (Keats)
  • To simulate speech merely by lip-movement, as suffices for a lip-reader.
  • (sports) to make a golf ball hit the lip of the cup, without dropping in.
  • 1000 English basic words ----



    (wikipedia flange)


    (en noun)
  • An external or internal rib or rim, used either to add strength or to hold something in place.
  • The projecting edge of a rigid or semi-rigid component.
  • (gaming) An ability in a role-playing game which is not commonly available, overpowered or arbitrarily imposed by the referees.
  • * 1998:' Mr MI Pennington, ''Can the Players be Trusted?'' on rec.games.frp.live-action [The] enduring problem with the Gathering is that [players can't affect anything that happens ... whatever they do, the LT just ' flange it back to the original plot line.
  • * 2007:' balor, ''Changing the metaphysics'' on Rule 7 [http://forums.rule7.co.uk/Topic28357-44-2.aspx] 'Oh look , the amulet of ' flange has been activated, this means all Paladins now only have one heal per day instead of two.'
  • A vulva.
  • * 2001:' tedfat, '''''Flange !!!! in alt.society.nottingham [http://groups.google.com/group/alt.society.nottingham/browse_thread/thread/7d1653d74a6ac61b/4fdf1b47e3e1bb70?lnk=st&q=%22her+flange%22&rnum=9&hl=en#4fdf1b47e3e1bb70]
  • I was in bed the other day with the missus and I asked to see her flange . Imagine my surprise when she got up went downstairs to my toolbox and brought me up a metal looking object called a flange!!!!! Needless to say when she asked to see my nuts the next time I obliged by doing exactly the same as her.
  • * 2003: Ray Gordon, Hot Sheets [http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN1562013920&id=c4hY8RgKlGgC&pg=PA61&lpg=PA61&dq=flange+fuck&sig=8rlmxhjFq0jxtxQ_cW333gA5u5Q&hl=en]
  • 'God, she's got a tight flange !' the plumber gasped, splaying the girl's buttocks and focusing on her O-ring.
  • (rare, humorous) The collective noun for a group of baboons.
  • * 2006 , Rick Crosier - Getting Away with Murder
  • (I suspect they hired a flange of baboons to mind the house.)


    * (collective noun for a group of baboons) congress


  • To be bent into a flange.
  • To make a flange on; to furnish with a flange.
  • Anagrams

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