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Life vs Home - What's the difference?

life | home |

As proper nouns the difference between life and home

is that life is (christian science) god while home is .

As a noun home is

(computing) a key that when pressed causes the cursor to go to the first character of the current line, or on the internet to the top of the web page.



(wikipedia life)


  • The state that follows birth, and precedes death; the state of being alive and living.
  • :
  • *{{quote-magazine, title=Towards the end of poverty
  • , date=2013-06-01, volume=407, issue=8838, page=11, magazine=(The Economist) citation , passage=But poverty’s scourge is fiercest below $1.25 (the average of the 15 poorest countries’ own poverty lines, measured in 2005 dollars and adjusted for differences in purchasing power): people below that level live lives that are poor, nasty, brutish and short.}}
  • #A .
  • #:
  • #*{{quote-magazine, date=2014-06-14, volume=411, issue=8891, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= It's a gas , passage=One of the hidden glories of Victorian engineering is proper drains. Isolating a city’s effluent and shipping it away in underground sewers has probably saved more lives than any medical procedure except vaccination.}}
  • #(lb) A status possessed by any of a number of entities, including animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, and sometimes viruses, which have the properties of replication and metabolism.
  • (lb) A period of time.
  • #The period during which one (a person, an animal, a plant, a star) is alive.
  • #*
  • #*:“My Continental prominence is improving,” I commented dryly. ¶ Von Lindowe cut at a furze bush with his silver-mounted rattan. ¶ “Quite so,” he said as dryly, his hand at his mustache. “I may say if your intentions were known your life would not be worth a curse.”
  • #*1916', (Ezra Meeker), ''The Busy '''Life of Eighty-Five Years of Ezra Meeker
  • #The span of time during which an object operates.
  • #:
  • #The period of time during which an object is recognizable.
  • #:
  • #(lb) A life sentence; a term of imprisonment of a convict until his or her death.
  • (lb) Personal existence.
  • #(lb) The essence of the manifestation and the foundation of the being.
  • #*1918 , (Edgar Rice Burroughs), , Ch.VI:
  • #*:"I realize as never before how cheap and valueless a thing is life'. '''Life''' seems a joke, a cruel, grim joke. You are a laughable incident or a terrifying one as you happen to be less powerful or more powerful than some other form of ' life which crosses your path; but as a rule you are of no moment whatsoever to anything but yourself. You are a comic little figure, hopping from the cradle to the grave. Yes, that is our trouble—we take ourselves too seriously; but Caprona should be a sure cure for that." She paused and laughed.
  • #(lb) The subjective and inner manifestation of the individual.
  • #*
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=1 , passage=The stories did not seem to me to touch life'. They were plainly intended to have a bracing moral effect, and perhaps had this result for the people at whom they were aimed. They left me with the impression of a well-delivered stereopticon lecture, with characters about as ' life -like as the shadows on the screen, and whisking on and off, at the mercy of the operator.}}
  • #The world in general; existence.
  • #:
  • #A worthwhile existence.
  • #:
  • #Animation; spirit; vivacity.
  • #*(Henry Felton) (1679-1740)
  • #*:No notion of life and fire in fancy and in words.
  • #*(William Wordsworth) (1770-1850)
  • #*:That gives thy gestures grace and life .
  • #The most lively component or participant.
  • #*1970 , Mathuram Bhoothalingam, The finger on the lute: the story of Mahakavi Subramania Bharati, National Council of Educational Research and Training, p.87:
  • #*:"Don't I know that it is you who is the life of this house. Two delightful children!"
  • #*1998 , Monica F. Cohen, Professional domesticity in the Victorian novel: Women, work and home, Cambridge University Press, page 32:
  • #*:And he is the life of the party at the Musgroves for precisely this reason: the navy has made him into a great storyteller.
  • #Something which is inherently part of a person's existence, such as job, family, a loved one, etc.
  • #:
  • #(lb) Social life.
  • #:
  • #*
  • #*:It is never possible to settle down to the ordinary routine of life at sea until the screw begins to revolve. There is an hour or two, after the passengers have embarked, which is disquieting and fussy.
  • #A biography.
  • #:
  • #*(Conyers Middleton) (1683-1750)
  • #*:Writers of particular lives are apt to be prejudiced in favour of their subject.
  • (lb) One of the player's chances to play, lost when a mistake is made.
  • :
  • Quotations

    * (sense) 1994: Violet Quill , Robert Ferro: *: Most things in life , including life itself, seemed to have articulated sections, discrete and separate and straightforward.


    * (sense) existence, experience * (the world in general) time


    * (the state that precedes death) death * (biology) coma * (philosophy) void

    Derived terms

    * all one's life's worth * artificial life * biological life * dog's life * get a life * get life * give life * have the time of one's life +* high life * lifeboat * life coach * life-buoy * life-force * life form * life's a bitch * life is like a box of chocolates * life's not all skittles and beer * life jacket * lifeblood * lifelike * lifeline * life line * life of the party * life plan * life-saver * lifestyle * lifetime * life vest * lifework * lose one's life * love life * meaning of life * quality of life * real life * set for life * shelf life * social life * this is the life * that's life * to save one's life




    * (l) * (l) 1000 English basic words




    (wikipedia home) (en noun)
  • (lb) A dwelling.
  • #One’s own dwelling place; the house or structure in which one lives; especially the house in which one lives with his family; the habitual abode of one’s family; also, one’s birthplace.
  • #* (William Tyndale), , xx, 10:
  • #*:And the disciples wet awaye agayne vnto their awne home .
  • #*1808 , (John Dryden), (Walter Scott) (editor), The Works of John Dryden :
  • #*:Thither for ease and soft repose we come: / Home is the sacred refuge of our life; / Secured from all approaches, but a wife.
  • #*1822 , (John Howard Payne), :
  • #*:Home'! '''home'''! sweet, sweet '''home'''! / There’s no place like '''home''', there’s no place like ' home .
  • #*
  • #*:Athelstan Arundel walked home all the way, foaming and raging. No omnibus, cab, or conveyance ever built could contain a young man in such a rage. His mother lived at Pembridge Square, which is four good measured miles from Lincoln's Inn.
  • #*
  • #*:Rock-filled torrents smashed vehicles and homes , burying victims under rubble and sludge.
  • #The place where a person was raised; Childhood or parental home; home of one’s parents or guardian.
  • #*2004', Jean Harrison, '''''Home :
  • #*:The rights listed in the UNCRC cover all areas of children's lives such as their right to have a home and their right to be educated.
  • #The abiding place of the affections, especially of the domestic affections.
  • #*1837 , (George Gordon Byron), Don Juan :
  • #*:He enter'd in the house—his home' no more, / For without hearts there is no ' home ;
  • #A place of refuge, rest or care; an asylum.
  • #:
  • #(lb) The grave; the final rest; also, the native and eternal dwelling place of the soul.
  • #*1769 , King James Bible, Oxford Standard text, , xii, 5:
  • #*:
  • One’s native land; the place or country in which one dwells; the place where one’s ancestors dwell or dwelt.
  • *1863', (Nathaniel Hawthorne), '' Our Old '''Home : A Series of English Sketches :
  • *:Visiting these famous localities, and a great many others, I hope that I do not compromise my American patriotism by acknowledging that I was often conscious of a fervent hereditary attachment to the native soil of our forefathers, and felt it to be our own Old Home .
  • *
  • *:So this was my future home , I thought! Certainly it made a brave picture. I had seen similar ones fired-in on many a Heidelberg stein. Backed by towering hills,a sky of palest Gobelin flecked with fat, fleecy little clouds, it in truth looked a dear little city; the city of one's dreams.
  • *1980 , (Peter Allen), song, (I Still Call Australia Home) :
  • *:I've been to cities that never close down / From New York to Rio and old London town / But no matter how far or how wide I roam / I still call Australia home .
  • The locality where a thing is usually found, or was first found, or where it is naturally abundant; habitat; seat.
  • :
  • *1706', (Matthew Prior), ''An Ode, Humbly Inscribed to the Queen, on the ?ucce?s of Her Maje?ty's Arms, 1706'', as republished in '''1795 , Robert Anderson (editor), ''The Works of the British Poets :
  • *:
  • *1849 , (Alfred Tennyson), :
  • *:Her eyes are homes of silent prayer, / Nor other thought her mind admits / But, he was dead, and there he sits, / And he that brought him back is there.
  • *
  • *:Africa is home to so many premier-league diseases (such as AIDS, childhood diarrhoea, malaria and tuberculosis) that those in lower divisions are easily ignored.
  • (lb) A focus point.
  • # The ultimate point aimed at in a progress; the goal.
  • #:
  • #(lb) Home plate.
  • #(lb) The place of a player in front of an opponent’s goal; also, the player.
  • #(lb) The landing page of a website; the site's homepage.
  • Shortened form of homeboy .
  • *2008 , (Breaking Bad)'', ''Cancer Man :
  • *:Jesse Pinkman: Hey, homes . I'm joking! OK? I'm totally joking!
  • Synonyms

    * tenement, house, dwelling, abode, domicile, residence * home base

    Derived terms

    * at home * at-homeness * bring home * broken home * drive home * funeral home * holiday home * homebuilder * home computer * Home Depot * home-grown * home help * home is where you hang your hat * home is where the heart is * home-made * home movie * homeowner * home ownership, homeownership * home plate * home run * Home Secretary * homesickness * home stretch * home teach * home team * motor home * nursing home * parental home (home)


  • (usually with "in on") To seek or aim for something.
  • The missile was able to home in on the target.
  • * 2008 July, Ewen Callaway, New Scientist :
  • Much like a heat-seeking missile, a new kind of particle homes in on the blood vessels that nourish aggressive cancers, before unleashing a cell-destroying drug.


  • Of or pertaining to one’s dwelling or country; domestic; not foreign; as home manufactures; home comforts.
  • Close; personal; pointed; as, a home thrust.
  • Derived terms

    * home base * home brew * home economics * home farm * home front * home lot * home movie * home page * home port * home plate * home range * home rule * home ruler * home run * home stretch * home theater * home thrust * home video


  • To one’s home or country.
  • go home'', ''come home'', ''carry home .
  • * 1863 , (Nathaniel Hawthorne), Our Old Home: A Series of English Sketches ,
  • He made no complaint of his ill-fortune, but only repeated in a quiet voice, with a pathos of which he was himself evidently unconscious, "I want to get home to Ninety-second Street, Philadelphia."
  • Close; closely.
  • * 1625 , (Francis Bacon), dedication to the Duke of Buckingham, in Essays Civil and Moral ,
  • I do now publish my Essays; which of all my other works have been most current : for that, as it seems, they come home to men's business and bosoms.
  • * 1718 , (Robert South), Twelve Sermons Preached at Several Times, And upon ?everal Occasions ,
  • How home the charge reaches us, has been made out by ?hewing with what high impudence ?ome among?t us defend sin, ...
  • To the place where it belongs; to the end of a course; to the full length.
  • to drive a nail home'''''; ''to ram a cartridge '''home
  • * c.1603 , (William Shakespeare) The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice , Act 5, Scene 1,
  • ... Wear thy good rapier bare, and put it home : ...
  • In one's place of residence or one's customary or official location; at home.
  • Everyone's gone to watch the game; there's nobody home .
  • (UK, soccer) Into the goal.
  • * 2004 , Tottenham 4-4 Leicester], [[w:BBC Sport, BBC Sport]: February,
  • Walker was penalised for a picking up a Gerry Taggart backpass and from the resulting free-kick, Keane fired home after Johnnie Jackson's initial effort was blocked.
  • (internet) To the home page.
  • Click here to go home .

    Usage notes

    * is often used in the formation of compound words, many of which need no special definition; as, home-brewed, home-built, home-grown, etc.

    Derived terms

    * bring home * come home * haul home the sheets of a sail * till the cows come home * turn home