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Know vs Post - What's the difference?

know | post |

As nouns the difference between know and post

is that know is knowledge; the state of knowing while post is post, mail.

As a verb know

is (lb) to perceive the truth or factuality of; to be certain of or that.



(wikipedia know)


  • (lb) To perceive the truth or factuality of; to be certain of or that.
  • :
  • (lb) To be aware of; to be cognizant of.
  • :
  • *, chapter=1
  • , title= Mr. Pratt's Patients, chapter=1 , passage=I stumbled along through the young pines and huckleberry bushes. Pretty soon I struck into a sort of path that, I cal'lated, might lead to the road I was hunting for. It twisted and turned, and, the first thing I knew , made a sudden bend around a bunch of bayberry scrub and opened out into a big clear space like a lawn.}}
  • (lb) To be acquainted or familiar with; to have encountered.
  • :
  • *
  • (lb) To experience.
  • :
  • *1991 , Irvin Haas, Historic Homes of the American Presidents , p.155:
  • *:The Truman family knew good times and bad,.
  • (lb) To distinguish, to discern, particularly by contrast or comparison; to recognize the nature of.
  • :
  • *(Bible)'', ''(w) 7.16 :
  • *:Ye shall know them by their fruits.
  • *
  • *:The Bat—they called him the Bat.. He'd never been in stir, the bulls had never mugged him, he didn't run with a mob, he played a lone hand, and fenced his stuff so that even the fence couldn't swear he knew his face.
  • *1980 , Armored and mechanized brigade operations , p.3−29:
  • *:Flares do not know friend from foe and so illuminate both. Changes in wind direction can result in flare exposure of the attacker while defenders hide in the shadows.
  • (lb) To recognize as the same (as someone or something previously encountered) after an absence or change.
  • * (Thomas Flatman), Translation of Part of (Petronius) Arbiter's (Satyricon)
  • *:At nearer view he thought he knew the dead, / And call'd the wretched man to mind.
  • *1818 , (w), (Frankenstein) :
  • *:Ernest also is so much improved, that you would hardly know him:.
  • To understand from experience or study.
  • :
  • (lb) To understand (a subject).
  • :
  • *
  • To have sexual relations with.
  • *, (w) 4.1:
  • *:And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.
  • (lb) To have knowledge; to have information, be informed.
  • :
  • *
  • *:“My Continental prominence is improving,” I commented dryly. ¶ Von Lindowe cut at a furze bush with his silver-mounted rattan. ¶ “Quite so,” he said as dryly, his hand at his mustache. “I may say if your intentions were known your life would not be worth a curse.”
  • *
  • (lb) To be or become aware or cognizant.
  • :
  • To be acquainted (with another person).
  • *1607 , (William Shakespeare), (Antony and Cleopatra) , :
  • *:You and I have known , sir.
  • Quotations

    * 1599 , (William Shakespeare), Julius Caesar , scene 1: *: O, that a man might know' / The end of this day's business ere it come! / But it sufficeth that the day will end, / And then the end is ' known . * 1839 , (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow), The Light of Stars'', ''Voices of the Night : *: O fear not in a world like this, / And thou shalt know' erelong, / ' Know how sublime a thing it is, / To suffer and be strong. *

    Usage notes

    * "Knowen" is found in some old texts as the past participle. * In some old texts, the form "know to [verb]" rather than "know how to [verb]" is found, e.g. Milton wrote "he knew himself to sing, and build the lofty rhymes".

    Derived terms

    * God knows * God only knows * it's not what you know but who you know * know about * know-all * know beans about * know from * know-how * know inside and out * know-it-all * knowledge * know like a book * know like the back of one's hand * know-nothing * know of * know one's ass from a hole in the ground * know one's own mind * know one's way around * know someone in the biblical sense * know which end is up * know which way is up * not know someone from Adam * the dear knows


    (en noun)
  • Knowledge; the state of knowing.
  • * 1623 , William Shakespeare, Hamlet (1623 first folio edition), act 5, scene 2:
  • That on the view and know of these Contents, death,

    Derived terms

    * in the know


    * *





    (wikipedia post)

    Alternative forms

    * poast (obsolete)

    Etymology 1

    From (etyl)


    (en noun)
  • A long dowel or plank protruding from the ground; a fence post; a light post
  • (construction) a stud; a two-by-four
  • A pole in a battery
  • (dentistry) A long, narrow piece inserted into a root canal to provide retention for a crown.
  • a prolonged final melody note, among moving harmony notes
  • (paper, printing) A printing paper size measuring 19.25 inches x 15.5 inches
  • (sports) goalpost
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2010 , date=December 29 , author=Chris Whyatt , title=Chelsea 1 - 0 Bolton , work=BBC citation , page= , passage=But they marginally improved after the break as Didier Drogba hit the post . }}
  • (obsolete) The doorpost of a victualler's shop or inn, on which were chalked the scores of customers; hence, a score; a debt.
  • * S. Rowlands
  • When God sends coin / I will discharge your post .
    Derived terms
    * doorpost * fencepost * from pillar to post * gatepost * goalpost * hitching post * king post * lamppost * listening post * milepost * newel post * post hole * * scratching post * signpost * tool post


    (en verb)
  • To hang (a notice) in a conspicuous manner for general review.
  • Post no bills.
  • To hold up to public blame or reproach; to advertise opprobriously; to denounce by public proclamation.
  • to post someone for cowardice
  • * Granville
  • On pain of being posted to your sorrow / Fail not, at four, to meet me.
  • (accounting) To carry (an account) from the journal to the ledger.
  • * Arbuthnot
  • You have not posted your books these ten years.
  • To inform; to give the news to; to make acquainted with the details of a subject; often with up .
  • * London Saturday Review
  • thoroughly posted up in the politics and literature of the day
  • (poker) To pay (a blind)
  • Since Jim was new to the game, he had to post $4 in order to receive a hand.
    Derived terms

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) .


    (en noun)
  • (obsolete) Each of a series of men stationed at specific places along a postroad, with responsibility for relaying letters and dispatches of the monarch (and later others) along the route.
  • (dated) A station, or one of a series of stations, established for the refreshment and accommodation of travellers on some recognized route.
  • a stage or railway post
  • A military base; the place at which a soldier or a body of troops is stationed; also, the troops at such a station.
  • * Archbishop Abbot
  • In certain places there be always fresh posts , to carry that further which is brought unto them by the other.
  • * Shakespeare
  • I fear my Julia would not deign my lines, / Receiving them from such a worthless post .
  • * 2011 , Thomas Penn, Winter King , Penguin 2012, p. 199:
  • information was filtered through the counting-houses and warehouses of Antwerp; posts galloped along the roads of the Low Countries, while dispatches streamed through Calais, and were passed off the merchant galleys arriving in London from the Flanders ports.
  • An organisation for delivering letters, parcels etc., or the service provided by such an organisation.
  • sent via ''post'''; ''parcel '''post
  • * Alexander Pope
  • I send you the fair copy of the poem on dullness, which I should not care to hazard by the common post .
  • A single delivery of letters; the letters or deliveries that make up a single batch delivered to one person or one address.
  • A message posted in an electronic forum.
  • A location on a basketball court near the basket.
  • (American football) A moderate to deep passing route in which a receiver runs 10-20 yards from the line of scrimmage straight down the field, then cuts toward the middle of the field (towards the facing goalposts) at a 45-degree angle.
  • Two of the receivers ran post patterns.
  • (obsolete) Haste or speed, like that of a messenger or mail carrier.
  • * Shakespeare
  • In post he came.
  • (obsolete) One who has charge of a station, especially a postal station.
  • * Palfrey
  • He held office of postmaster, or, as it was then called, post , for several years.
    Derived terms
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    (en verb)
  • To send an item of mail.
  • Mail items posted before 7.00pm within the Central Business District and before 5.00pm outside the Central Business District will be delivered the next working day.
  • To travel with post horses; figuratively, to travel in haste.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Post speedily to my lord your husband.
  • * Milton
  • And post o'er land and ocean without rest.
  • (UK, horse-riding) To rise and sink in the saddle, in accordance with the motion of the horse, especially in trotting.
  • (Internet) To publish a message to a newsgroup, forum, blog, etc.
  • I couldn't figure it out, so I posted a question on the mailing list.
    Derived terms


  • With the post, on post-horses; express, with speed, quickly
  • * 1749 , Henry Fielding, Tom Jones , Folio Society 1973, p. 353:
  • In this posture were affairs at the inn when a gentleman arrived there post .
  • * 1888 , Rudyard Kipling, ‘The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly’, Plain Tales from the Hills , Folio 2005, p. 93:
  • He prided himself on looking neat even when he was riding post .
  • sent via the postal service
  • Descendants
    * German: (l)

    Etymology 3

    Probably from (etyl) poste.


    (en noun)
  • An assigned station; a guard post.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-08, volume=407, issue=8839, page=52, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= The new masters and commanders , passage=From the ground, Colombo’s port does not look like much. Those entering it are greeted by wire fences, walls dating back to colonial times and security posts . For mariners leaving the port after lonely nights on the high seas, the delights of the B52 Night Club and Stallion Pub lie a stumble away.}}
  • An appointed position in an organization.
  • * {{quote-news, year=2011, date=December 14, author=Angelique Chrisafis, work=Guardian
  • , title= Rachida Dati accuses French PM of sexism and elitism , passage=She was Nicolas Sarkozy's pin-up for diversity, the first Muslim woman with north African parents to hold a major French government post . But Rachida Dati has now turned on her own party elite with such ferocity that some have suggested she should be expelled from the president's ruling party.}}


    (en verb)
  • To enter (a name) on a list, as for service, promotion, etc.
  • To assign to a station; to set; to place.
  • Post a sentinel in front of the door.
  • * De Quincey
  • It might be to obtain a ship for a lieutenant, or to get him posted .

    Etymology 4

    From (etyl) post


    (English prepositions)
  • after; especially after a significant event that has long-term ramifications
  • * 2008 , Michael Tomasky, "Obama cannot let the right cast him in that 60s show", The Guardian , online,
  • One of the most appealing things for me about Barack Obama has always been that he comes post the post-60s generation.
  • * 2008 , Matthew Stevens, "Lew pressured to reveal what he knows", The Australian , online,
  • Lew reckons he had three options for the cash-cow which was Premier post the Coles sale.

    See also

    * post-


    * ----