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Kind vs Shape - What's the difference?

kind | shape |

As nouns the difference between kind and shape

is that kind is child (young person) while shape is the status or condition of something.

As a verb shape is

to give something a shape and definition.



Etymology 1

From (etyl) (m), (m), (m), (m), from (etyl) . See also kin.


(en noun)
  • A type, race or category; a group of entities that have common characteristics such that they may be grouped together.
  • :
  • :
  • *(William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
  • *:How diversely Love doth his pageants play, / And shows his power in variable kinds !
  • *{{quote-book, year=1922, author=(Ben Travers), title=(A Cuckoo in the Nest)
  • , chapter=1 citation , passage=“[…] the awfully hearty sort of Christmas cards that people do send to other people that they don't know at all well. You know. The kind that have mottoes like
      Here's rattling good luck and roaring good cheer, / With lashings of food and great hogsheads of beer. […]”}}
  • A makeshift or otherwise atypical specimen.
  • :
  • *1884 , (Mark Twain), (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn), Chapter VIII
  • *:I got my traps out of the canoe and made me a nice camp in the thick woods. I made a kind of a tent out of my blankets to put my things under so the rain couldn't get at them.
  • (label) One's inherent nature; character, natural disposition.
  • *:
  • *:And whan he cam ageyne he sayd / O my whyte herte / me repenteth that thow art dede // and thy deth shalle be dere bought and I lyue / and anone he wente in to his chamber and armed hym / and came oute fyersly / & there mette he with syr gauayne / why haue ye slayne my houndes said syr gauayn / for they dyd but their kynde
  • (senseid)Goods or services used as payment, as e.g. in barter.
  • *(John Dryden) (1631-1700)
  • *:Some of you, on pure instinct of nature, / Are led by kind t'admire your fellow-creature.
  • Equivalent means used as response to an action.
  • :
  • Each of the two elements of the communion service, bread and wine.
  • Usage notes
    In sense “goods or services” or “equivalent means”, used almost exclusively with “in” in expression in kind.
    * genre * sort * type * derivative (1) and/or (2) * generation * offspring * child * See also
    Derived terms
    * in kind * kind of * kinda

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) , from cynd.


  • having a benevolent, courteous, friendly, generous, gentle, or disposition, marked by consideration for - and service to - others.
  • Affectionate.
  • a kind''' man; a '''kind heart
  • * Goldsmith
  • Yet was he kind , or if severe in aught, / The love he bore to learning was his fault.
  • * Waller
  • O cruel Death, to those you take more kind / Than to the wretched mortals left behind.
  • Favorable.
  • mild, gentle, forgiving
  • The years have been kind to Richard Gere; he ages well.
  • Gentle; tractable; easily governed.
  • a horse kind in harness
  • (obsolete) Characteristic of the species; belonging to one's nature; natural; native.
  • * Holland
  • It becometh sweeter than it should be, and loseth the kind taste.
    * See also
    Derived terms
    * kindhearted * kindliness * kindly * kindness




    * 1000 English basic words ----




    (en noun)
  • The status or condition of something
  • The used bookshop wouldn't offer much due to the poor shape of the book.
  • Condition of personal health, especially muscular health.
  • The vet checked to see what kind of shape the animal was in.
    We exercise to keep in good physical shape .
  • The appearance of something, especially its outline.
  • He cut a square shape out of the cake.
  • A figure with unspecified appearance; especially a geometric figure.
  • What shape shall we use for the cookies? Stars, circles, or diamonds?
  • Form; formation.
  • * 2006 , Berdj Kenadjian, Martin Zakarian, From Darkness to Light :
  • What if God's plans and actions do mold the shape of human events?
  • (iron manufacture) A rolled or hammered piece, such as a bar, beam, angle iron, etc., having a cross section different from merchant bar.
  • (iron manufacture) A piece which has been roughly forged nearly to the form it will receive when completely forged or fitted.
  • A mould for making jelly, blancmange etc., or a piece of such food formed moulded into a particular shape.
  • *1918 , (Rebecca West), The Return of the Soldier , Virago 2014, p. 74:
  • *:‘And if I'm late for supper there's a dish of macaroni cheese you must put in the oven and a tin of tomatoes to eat with it. And there's a little rhubarb and shape .’
  • Hyponyms

    * See also

    Derived terms

    * contest shape * * in no shape to * * in shape * out of shape * shapeless * shapely * shapesmith * shape-shifter * shape-shifting * shipshape * take shape * the shape of things to come * whip into shape

    See also



  • To give something a shape and definition.
  • * 1932 , The American Scholar , page 227, United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa
  • The professor never pretended to the academic prerogative of forcing his students into his own channels of reasoning; he entered into and helped shape the discussion but above all he made his men learn to think for themselves and rely upon their own intellectual judgments.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-08-03, volume=408, issue=8847, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= Revenge of the nerds , passage=Think of banking today and the image is of grey-suited men in towering skyscrapers. Its future, however, is being shaped in converted warehouses and funky offices in San Francisco, New York and London, where bright young things in jeans and T-shirts huddle around laptops, sipping lattes or munching on free food.}}
  • To form or manipulate something into a certain shape.
  • * Prior
  • Grace shaped her limbs, and beauty decked her face.
  • * {{quote-news, year=2010, date=December 29, author=Mark Vesty, work=BBC
  • , title= Wigan 2-2 Arsenal , passage=Bendtner's goal-bound shot was well saved by goalkeeper Ali Al Habsi but fell to Arsahvin on the edge of the area and the Russian swivelled, shaped his body and angled a sumptuous volley into the corner. }}
  • (of a country, person, etc) To give influence to.
  • To suit; to be adjusted or conformable.
  • (Shakespeare)
  • (obsolete) To imagine; to conceive.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Oft my jealousy / Shapes faults that are not.


    * (give shape) form, mold

    Derived terms

    * beshape * foreshape * forshape * misshape * overshape * shape up


    * * * 1000 English basic words