Jaundiced vs Bileful - What's the difference?
jaundiced | bileful |
Affected with jaundice.
* Jaundiced eyes seem to see all objects yellow. -
Prejudiced; envious; as, a jaundiced judgment.
* 2003 , Simon S. Godfrey, The Nature of Man and God: A New Look , Trafford Publishing, page 186 [http://books.google.com/books?id=E5Q7ch56wc4C&pg=PA186&dq=jaundiced+godfrey+date:1970-2008&lr=lang_en&as_brr=3&sig=rgUNZAhqGLWqRtfioTyRK4W5S0o]
* 1973 , Arthur C. Clarke, Rendezvous with Rama
As adjectives the difference between jaundiced and bileful
is that jaundiced is affected with jaundice while bileful is poisonous, jaundiced, spiteful, choleric, angry.jaundiced
(en adjective)- If we have experienced a hostile world in childhood, we will continue to view almost everyone with a jaundiced eye and react to them according to our perception.
- Although Professor Davidson took a very jaundiced view of the Neptune probe, it had already been approved and he saw no point in sending more good money after bad.