Jat vs Tat - What's the difference?
jat | tat |
An Indo-European ethnic group of people native to Northern India and Pakistan (including large populations living in the EU, US, Canada, Australia and UK) , that have attributes of an ethnic group, tribe and a people.[http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/jat.html]
A member of an Indo-European people living in the Punjab, northwestern India, and Pakistan.[http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/jat.html][http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=jat]
A Indo-Scythian descendant of the Scythian Massagetae and Getae tribes.Hewitt, J.F., The Ruling Races of Prehistoric Times in India, South-Western Asia and Southern Europe, Archibald Constable & Co., London, 1894, pp. 481-487.Latif, S.M., History of the Panjab, Reprinted by Progressive Books, Lahore, Pakistan, 1984, first published in 1891, pp. 56.Barstow, A.E., The Sikhs: An Ethnology, Reprinted by B.R. Publishing Corporation, Delhi, India, 1985, first published in 1928, pp. 105-135, 63, 155, 152, 145.
Cheap and vulgar tastelessness; sleaze.
Cheap, tasteless, useless goods; trinkets.
(India) Gunnycloth made from the fibre of the Corchorus olitorius or jute.
(slang) A tattoo.
(intransitive) To make (something by) tatting.