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Issue vs Launch - What's the difference?

issue | launch |

As nouns the difference between issue and launch

is that issue is the act of passing or flowing out; a moving out from any enclosed place; egress; as, the issue of water from a pipe, of blood from a wound, of air from a bellows, of people from a house while launch is the act of launching.

As verbs the difference between issue and launch

is that issue is to pass or flow out; to run out, as from any enclosed place while launch is to throw, as a lance or dart; to hurl; to let fly; to send off, propel with force.




(en noun)
  • The act of passing or flowing out; a moving out from any enclosed place; egress; as, the issue of water from a pipe, of blood from a wound, of air from a bellows, of people from a house.
  • The act of sending out, or causing to go forth; delivery; issuance; as, the issue of an order from a commanding officer; the issue of money from a treasury.
  • That which passes, flows, or is sent out; the whole quantity sent forth or emitted at one time; as, an issue of bank notes; the daily issue of a newspaper.
  • Progeny; a child or children; offspring. In law, sometimes, in a general sense, all persons descended from a common ancestor; all lineal descendants.
  • * 1599 ,
  • Why had I not with charitable hand
    Took up a beggar's issue at my gates
  • Produce of the earth, or profits of land, tenements, or other property; as, A conveyed to B all his right for a term of years, with all the issues, rents, and profits.
  • A discharge of flux, as of blood.
  • * {{quote-book
  • , year = 1611 , title = , section = , passage = And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: }}
  • An opening or outlet, providing for an exit or egress.
  • * 1881 , :
  • How if there were no centre at all, but just one alley after another, and the whole world a labyrinth without end or issue ?
  • (medicine) An artificial ulcer, usually made in the fleshy part of the arm or leg, to produce the secretion and discharge of pus for the relief of some affected part.
  • The final outcome or result; upshot; conclusion; event; hence, contest; test; trial.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Come forth to view / The issue of the exploit.
  • * Shakespeare
  • While it is hot, I'll put it to the issue .
  • A point in debate or controversy on which the parties take affirmative and negative positions; a presentation of alternatives between which to choose or decide.
  • (legal) In pleading, a single material point of law or fact depending in the suit, which, being affirmed on the one side and denied on the other, is presented for determination.
  • (finance) A financial instrument in a company, such as a bond, stock or other security; the emission of such an instrument.
  • (euphemistic) A problem or concern, usually of a mental nature.
  • He has issues .
  • An instalment of a periodical; a specific instance of a regular publication
  • The July issue of the magazine is in shops now.

    Derived terms

    * feigned issue * general issue * reissue * side issue * wedge issue


  • To pass or flow out; to run out, as from any enclosed place.
  • * 1918 , (Edgar Rice Burroughs), Chapter IV
  • There was a very light off-shore wind and scarcely any breakers, so that the approach to the shore was continued without finding bottom; yet though we were already quite close, we saw no indication of any indention in the coast from which even a tiny brooklet might issue , and certainly no mouth of a large river such as this must necessarily be to freshen the ocean even two hundred yards from shore.
  • * 1922 , (James Joyce), '' Episode 12, ''The Cyclops
  • A powerful current of warm breath issued at regular intervals from the profound cavity of his mouth while in rhythmic resonance the loud strong hale reverberations of his formidable heart thundered rumblingly...
  • To go out; to rush out; to sally forth; as, troops issued from the town, and attacked the besiegers.
  • To proceed, as from a source; as, water issues from springs; light issues from the sun.
  • To proceed, as progeny; to be derived; to be descended; to spring.
  • * Bible, 2 Kings xx. 18
  • thy sons that shall issue from thee
  • To extend; to pass or open; as, the path issues into the highway.
  • To be produced as an effect or result; to grow or accrue; to arise; to proceed; as, rents and profits issuing from land, tenements, or a capital stock.
  • To turn out (in a given way); to have a specified issue or result, to result (in).
  • * 2007 , John Burrow, A History of Histories , Penguin 2009, p. 171:
  • But, for Livy, Roman patriotism is overriding, and this issues , of course, in an antiquarian attention to the city's origins.
  • (legal) In pleading, to come to a point in fact or law, on which the parties join issue.
  • To send out; to put into circulation; as, to issue notes from a bank.
  • To deliver for use; as, to issue provisions.
  • To send out officially; to deliver by authority; as, to issue an order; to issue a writ.
  • * 2014 , , " Southampton hammer eight past hapless Sunderland in barmy encounter", The Guardian , 18 October 2014:
  • Five minutes later, Southampton tried to mount their first attack, but Wickham sabotaged the move by tripping the rampaging Nathaniel Clyne, prompting the referee, Andre Marriner, to issue a yellow card. That was a lone blemish on an otherwise tidy start by Poyet’s team – until, that is, the 12th minute, when Vergini produced a candidate for the most ludicrous own goal in Premier League history.


    * (to give out) (l)

    Derived terms

    * issuable * issuer

    See also

    * (wikipedia "issue")




    * ----



    Alternative forms

    * lanch (obsolete)

    Etymology 1

    From (etyl) /Norman variant, compare Jèrriais lanchi ) of lancier, French lancer, from lance.


  • To throw, as a lance or dart; to hurl; to let fly; to send off, propel with force.
  • * 2011 , Stephen Budiansky, Perilous Fight: America's Intrepid War with Britain on the High Seas, 1812-1815 , page 323
  • There they were met by four thousand Ha'apa'a warriors, who launched a volley of stones and spears
  • (obsolete) To pierce with, or as with, a lance.
  • * 1591 , (Edmund Spenser), The Teares of the Muses
  • And launch your hearts with lamentable wounds.
  • To cause to move or slide from the land into the water; to set afloat.
  • *
  • Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
  • * 1725–1726 , (Alexander Pope), Homer's Odyssey (translation), Book V
  • With stays and cordage last he rigged the ship, / And rolled on levers, launched her in the deep.
  • To send out; to start (one) on a career; to set going; to give a start to (something); to put in operation.
  • * 1649 , (Eikon Basilike)
  • All art is u?ed to ?ink Epi?copacy, & lanch Presbytery in England .
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=2 , passage=Here was my chance. I took the old man aside, and two or three glasses of Old Crow launched him into reminiscence.}}
  • * , chapter=13
  • , title= The Mirror and the Lamp , passage=“[…] They talk of you as if you were Croesus—and I expect the beggars sponge on you unconscionably.” And Vickers launched forth into a tirade very different from his platform utterances. He spoke with extreme contempt of the dense stupidity exhibited on all occasions by the working classes.}}
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-09-07, volume=408, issue=8852, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= Kill or cure , passage=On September 3rd Bionym, a Canadian firm, launched Nymi, a bracelet which detects the wearer’s heartbeat.}}
  • (often with out) To move with force and swiftness like a sliding from the stocks into the water; to plunge; to make a beginning.
  • * 1718 , (Matthew Prior), Solomon: On the Vanity of the World , Preface
  • In our language, Spen?er has not contented him?elf with this ?ubmi??ive manner of imitation : he launches out into very flowery paths
  • * 1969 , (Maya Angelou), I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings , ch. 23:
  • My class was wearing butter-yellow pique dresses, and Momma launched out on mine. She smocked the yoke into tiny crisscrossing puckers, then shirred the rest of the bodice.
    * (to pierce) lance, pierce


  • The act of launching.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-07-20, volume=408, issue=8845, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= The attack of the MOOCs , passage=Dotcom mania was slow in coming to higher education, but now it has the venerable industry firmly in its grip. Since the launch early last year of Udacity and Coursera, two Silicon Valley start-ups offering free education through MOOCs, massive open online courses, the ivory towers of academia have been shaken to their foundations.}}
  • The movement of a vessel from land into the water; especially, the sliding on ways from the stocks on which it is built. (Compare: to splash a ship.)
  • Derived terms
    * launching (as a noun) * launching ways

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl)


  • (nautical) The boat of the largest size and/or of most importance belonging to a ship of war, and often called the "captain's boat" or "captain's launch".
  • (nautical) A boat used to convey guests to and from a yaucht.
  • (nautical) An open boat of any size powered by steam, naphtha, electricity, or the like. (Compare Spanish lancha .)
  • Derived terms

    See also

    * barge * boat * * yacht

