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Invariable vs Unalterably - What's the difference?

invariable | unalterably |

As an adjective invariable

is not variable; unalterable; uniform; always having the same value.

As a noun invariable

is something that does not vary; a constant.

As an adverb unalterably is

in an unalterable manner; in a manner that makes it impossible to be ed.




  • Not variable; unalterable; uniform; always having the same value.
  • *(Isaac Taylor) (1787–1865)
  • *:Physical laws which are invariable .
  • *
  • *:“A tight little craft,” was Austin’s invariable comment on the matron; and she looked it, always trim and trig and smooth of surface like a converted yacht cleared for action.
  • (lb) Constant.
  • (rfv-sense) That cannot undergo inflection, conjugation or declension.
  • :
  • Noun

    (en noun)
  • Something that does not vary; a constant.
  • See also

    * invariant ----




    (en adverb)
  • In an unalterable manner; in a manner that makes it impossible to be ed.
  • First experiences are always the most memorable because they fix themselves in the mind unalterably and most powerfully.


    * unchangeably * immutably