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Innocuous vs Surfeit - What's the difference?

innocuous | surfeit |

As an adjective innocuous

is harmless; producing no ill effect.

As a noun surfeit is

(countable) an excessive amount of something.

As a verb surfeit is

to fill to excess.




(en adjective)
  • Harmless; producing no ill effect.
  • * 1892 , , A Footnote to History , ch. 9:
  • The shells fell for the most part innocuous ; an eyewitness saw children at play beside the flaming houses; not a soul was injured.
  • * 1910 , , The Lair of the White Worm , ch. 11:
  • Other things, too, there were, not less deadly though seemingly innocuous —dried fungi, traps intended for birds, beasts, fishes, reptiles, and insects.
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2011 , date=September 2 , author= , title=Wales 2-1 Montenegro , work=BBC citation , page= , passage=As the half closed Bale and Ledley both went close with good efforts, but Bellamy picked up a yellow card for an innocuous challenge that also rules the new Liverpool man out of the trip to Wembley.}}
  • Inoffensive; unprovocative; not exceptional.
  • * 1893 , , Mrs. Falchion , ch. 12:
  • Ruth Devlin announced that the song must wait, though it appeared to be innocuous and child-like in its sentiments.
  • * 1910 , , The Intrusion of Jimmy , ch. 28:
  • He sat down, and lighted a cigarette, casting about the while for an innocuous topic of conversation.


    * innoxious, nonpoisonous, nontoxic * (inoffensive) uncontroversial


    * nocuous * noxious * harmful * poisonous * toxic

    Derived terms

    * innocuity * innocuously * innocuousness




  • (countable) An excessive amount of something.
  • A surfeit of wheat is driving down the price.
  • (uncountable) Overindulgence in either food or drink; overeating.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Now comes the sick hour that his surfeit made.
  • (countable) A sickness or condition caused by overindulgence.
  • King Henry I is said to have died of a surfeit of lampreys.
  • * Bunyan
  • to prevent surfeit and other diseases that are incident to those that heat their blood by travels
  • Disgust caused by excess; satiety.
  • * Burke
  • Matter and argument have been supplied abundantly, and even to surfeit .
  • * Sir Philip Sidney
  • Now for similitudes in certain printed discourses, I think all herbalists, all stories of beasts, fowls, and fishes are rifled up, that they may come in multitudes to wait upon any of our conceits, which certainly is as absurd a surfeit to the ears as is possible.


    * (excessive amount of something) excess, glut, overabundance, superfluity, surplus * (overindulgence in food or drink) gluttony, overeating, overindulgence


    (en verb)
  • To fill to excess.
  • * 1610 , , act 3 scene 3
  • *:You are three men of sin, whom Destiny,
  • *:That hath to instrument this lower world
  • *:And what is in't,—the never-surfeited sea
  • *:Hath caused to belch up you;
  • To feed someone to excess.
  • She surfeited her children on sweets.
  • (reflexive) To overeat or feed to excess.
  • *1906 , O. Henry,
  • *:To the door of this, the twelfth house whose bell he had rung, came a housekeeper who made him think of an unwholesome, surfeited worm that had eaten its nut to a hollow shell and now sought to fill the vacancy with edible lodgers.
  • (reflexive) To sicken from overindulgence.
  • Synonyms

    * (to fill to excess) fill, stuff * (to feed someone to excess) overfeed, stuff * (to overeat or feed to excess) indulge, overeat, overfeed * (to sicken from overindulgence) sicken