Ineffable vs Untold - What's the difference?
ineffable | untold |
Beyond expression in words; unspeakable.
* 1919 ,
* Gay Watson, Stephen Batchelor, Guy Claxton, The Psychology of Awakening: Buddhism, science, and our day-to-day lives (2000) p. 100:
Forbidden to be uttered; taboo.
As adjectives the difference between ineffable and untold
is that ineffable is beyond expression in words; unspeakable while untold is not told; not related; not revealed.ineffable
(-)- Stroeve was trying to express a feeling which he had never known before, and he did not know how to put it into common terms. He was like the mystic seeking to describe the ineffable .
- As Alan Watts (1961) wrote, it involves trying to speak the unspeakable, scrute the inscrutable and eff the ineffable .