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Incline vs Entice - What's the difference?

incline | entice | Related terms |

In transitive terms the difference between incline and entice

is that incline is to bend or move (something) out of a given plane or direction, often the horizontal or vertical while entice is to lure; to attract by arousing desire or hope.

As a noun incline

is a slope.


Alternative forms

* encline (obsolete)


  • (lb) To bend or move (something) out of a given plane or direction, often the horizontal or vertical.
  • :
  • :
  • (lb) To slope.
  • :
  • To tend to do or believe something, or move or be moved in a certain direction, away from a point of view, attitude, etc.
  • :
  • :
  • *
  • *:"My tastes," he said, still smiling, "incline me to the garishly sunlit side of this planet." And, to tease her and arouse her to combat: "I prefer a farandole to a nocturne; I'd rather have a painting than an etching; Mr. Whistler bores me with his monochromatic mud; I don't like dull colours, dull sounds, dull intellects;."
  • *(rfdate), J. M. G. van der Poel, "Agriculture in Pre- and Protohistoric Times", in the Acta Historiae Neerlandica published by the Netherlands Committee of Historical Sciences, p.170:
  • *:The terp farmer made use of the plough, as is shown by the discovery of three ploughshares and four coulters..
  • *Usage note: In this sense incline is usually used in the passive voice, and usually intransitively.
  • Noun

    (en noun)
  • A slope.
  • * To reach the building, we had to climb a steep incline .
  • entice



  • To lure; to attract by arousing desire or hope.
  • *{{quote-magazine, date=2012-03
  • , author= , title=Pixels or Perish , volume=100, issue=2, page=106 , magazine= citation , passage=Blackboard sketches, geological maps, diagrams of molecular structure, astronomical photographs, MRI images, the many varieties of statistical charts and graphs: These pictorial devices are indispensable tools for presenting evidence, for explaining a theory, for telling a story. And, on top of all that, they are ornaments; they entice and intrigue and sometimes delight.}}
    I enticed the little bear into the trap with a pot of honey.

    See also

    * beguile * tempt * seduce


    * *