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Incense vs Incienso - What's the difference?

incense | incienso |

As nouns the difference between incense and incienso

is that incense is a perfume used in the rites of various religions while incienso is a desert shrub producing a resin that when burned emits a fragrant odor.

As a verb incense

is to anger or infuriate.




(wikipedia incense)
  • A perfume used in the rites of various religions.
  • Derived terms

    * incense boat * incense cedar


  • To anger or infuriate.
  • I think it would incense him to learn the truth.
  • (archaic) To incite, stimulate.
  • To offer incense to.
  • (Chaucer)
  • To perfume with, or as with, incense.
  • * Marston
  • Incensed with wanton sweetes.
  • (obsolete) To set on fire; to inflame; to kindle; to burn.
  • * Chapman
  • Twelve Trojan princes wait on thee, and labour to incense / Thy glorious heap of funeral.




  • A desert shrub producing a resin that when burned emits a fragrant odor.
  • References

    * The King's Highway in Baja California, By Harry Crosby and Diana Lindsay, Baja California (Mexico) Copley Books: 1974, ISBN:0913938165 ----