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Hue vs Outcry - What's the difference?

hue | outcry |

As nouns the difference between hue and outcry

is that hue is form; appearance; guise while outcry is a loud cry or uproar.

As a proper noun Hue

is a notable port city in central Vietnam.

As a verb outcry is

to cry out.



Etymology 1

From (etyl) hewe, from (etyl) .

Alternative forms

* (obsolete)


(en noun)
  • (obsolete) Form; appearance; guise.
  • A color, or shade of color; tint; dye.
  • * 1886 , (Robert Louis Stevenson), (Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde)
  • A great chocolate-coloured pall lowered over heaven, but the wind was continually charging and routing these embattled vapours; so that as the cab crawled from street to street, Mr. Utterson beheld a marvelous number of degrees and hues of twilight; for here it would be dark like the back-end of evening; and there would be a glow of a rich, lurid brown, like the light of some strange conflagration; and here, for a moment, the fog would be quite broken up, and a haggard shaft of daylight would glance in between the swirling wreaths.
  • The characteristic related to the light frequency that appears in the color, for instance red, yellow, green, cyan, blue or magenta.
  • In digital arts, HSV color uses hue together with saturation and value.
  • (figuratively) A character; aspect.
  • Derived terms
    * hued

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) hu, a hunting cry.


    (en noun)
  • (obsolete) A shout or cry.
  • Derived terms
    * hue and cry


    * ----




  • a loud cry or uproar
  • His appearance was greeted with an outcry of jeering.
  • a strong protest
  • The proposal was met with a public outcry .


  • To cry out.
  • * 1919 , Debates in the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention, 1917-1918: Volume 1
  • I think any man who outcries against the power of the government in Germany soon ceases to cry at all, because he is crushed.
  • To cry louder than.
  • * 2003 , Melvyn Bragg, Crossing the lines (page 355)
  • ...outcrying the clacking of train wheels, the shrill of the whistle...
  • * 2007 , Anthony Dalton, Alone Against the Arctic (page 104)
  • The dogs added their voices to the din, howling for hours, each trying to outcry the others.


    * English heteronyms