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Hitch vs Rotation - What's the difference?

hitch | rotation |

As nouns the difference between hitch and rotation

is that hitch is a sudden pull while rotation is the act of turning around a centre or an axis.

As a verb hitch

is to pull with a jerk.

As a proper noun Hitch

is {{surname|from=given names}.




  • A sudden pull.
  • Any of various knots]] used to attach a rope to an object other than another rope Knots and Splices by Cyrus L Day, Adlard Coles Nautical, 2001. See [[w:List of hitch knots, List of hitch knots in Wikipedia .
  • A fastener or connection point, as for a trailer.
  • His truck sported a heavy-duty hitch for his boat.
  • (informal) A problem, delay or source of difficulty.
  • The banquet went off without a hitch . (Meaning the banquet went smoothly.)
  • A hidden or unfavorable condition or element; a catch.
  • The deal sounds too good to be true. What's the hitch ?
  • A period of time. Most often refers to time spent in the military.
  • She served two hitches in Vietnam.
  • :: Stephen J. Hedges & Mike Dorning, Chicago Tribune; Orlando Sentinel; Jun 3, 2004; pg. A.1;
  • Synonyms

    * catch

    Derived terms

    * unhitch * unhitched


  • To pull with a jerk.
  • To attach, tie or fasten.
  • *, chapter=8
  • , title= Mr. Pratt's Patients , passage=Philander went into the next room, which was just a lean-to hitched on to the end of the shanty, and came back with a salt mackerel that dripped brine like a rainstorm. Then he put the coffee pot on the stove and rummaged out a loaf of dry bread and some hardtack.}}
  • (informal) To marry oneself to; especially to get hitched .
  • (informal) contraction of hitchhike, to thumb a ride.
  • To become entangled or caught; to be linked or yoked; to unite; to cling.
  • * South
  • atomswhich at length hitched together
  • To move interruptedly or with halts, jerks, or steps; said of something obstructed or impeded.
  • * (Alexander Pope)
  • Slides into verse, and hitches in a rhyme.
  • * Fuller
  • To ease themselves by hitching into another place.
  • (UK) To strike the legs together in going, as horses; to interfere.
  • (Halliwell)





    (en noun)
  • (chiefly, uncountable) The act of turning around a centre or an axis.
  • *{{quote-magazine, date=2013-03
  • , author=Frank Fish, George Lauder , title=Not Just Going with the Flow , volume=101, issue=2, page=114 , magazine= citation , passage=An extreme version of vorticity is a vortex . The vortex is a spinning, cyclonic mass of fluid, which can be observed in the rotation of water going down a drain, as well as in smoke rings, tornados and hurricanes.}}
    The earth's rotation about its axis is responsible for its being slightly oblate rather than a sphere.
  • A single complete cycle around a centre or an axis.
  • Earth's moon completes a rotation every twenty-seven days or so.
  • A regular variation in a sequence.
  • crop rotation
    The medical resident finished a two-week rotation in pediatrics and began one in orthopaedics.
  • (mathematics) An operation that a continuous isometry deformation that fixes at least one point can result in.
  • The function mapping (''x'',''y'') to (''&
  • x2212;y'',''x'') is a rotation .
  • (baseball) The set of (soplink) of a team.
  • (aviation) The step during takeoff when the pilot commands the vehicle to lift the nose wheel off the ground during the takeoff roll.