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Health vs Cloak - What's the difference?

health | cloak |

As nouns the difference between health and cloak

is that health is the state of being free from physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction; wellness while cloak is a long outer garment worn over the shoulders covering the back; a cape, often with a hood.

As a verb cloak is

to cover as with a cloak.



(wikipedia health)

Alternative forms

* (obsolete)


  • The state of being free from physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction; wellness.
  • :
  • *, chapter=4
  • , title= Mr. Pratt's Patients , passage=Then he commenced to talk, really talk. and inside of two flaps of a herring's fin he had me mesmerized, like Eben Holt's boy at the town hall show. He talked about the ills of humanity, and the glories of health and Nature and service and land knows what all.}}
  • A state of well-being or balance, often physical but sometimes also mental and social; the overall level of function of an organism from the cellular (micro) level to the social (macro) level.
  • Physical condition.
  • (obsolete) Cure, remedy.
  • *, Bk.XVII, Ch.XI:
  • *:And she myght have a dysshfulle of bloode of a maydyn and a clene virgyne in wylle and in worke, and a kynges doughter, that bloode sholde be her helth , for to anoynte her withall.
  • (countable) A toast to prosperity.
  • *
  • Derived terms

    * healthiness * healthy * healthcare * bill of health * health food * health worker


    * *



    (wikipedia cloak)


    (en noun)
  • A long outer garment worn over the shoulders covering the back; a cape, often with a hood.
  • *{{quote-book, year=1963, author=(Margery Allingham), title=(The China Governess)
  • , chapter=5 citation , passage=‘It's rather like a beautiful Inverness cloak one has inherited. Much too good to hide away, so one wears it instead of an overcoat and pretends it's an amusing new fashion.’}}
  • A blanket-like covering, often metaphorical.
  • (figurative)  That which conceals; a disguise or pretext.
  • * South
  • No man is esteemed any ways considerable for policy who wears religion otherwise than as a cloak .
  • (Internet)  A text replacement for an IRC user's hostname or IP address, making the user less identifiable.
  • Derived terms

    * cloak and dagger

    See also

    * burnoose, burnous, burnouse * domino costume


  • To cover as with a cloak.
  • (science fiction, ambitransitive) To render or become invisible via futuristic technology.
  • The ship cloaked before entering the enemy sector of space.

    Derived terms

    * cloaking device