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Happy vs Nappy - What's the difference?

happy | nappy |

As an adjective happy

is experiencing the effect of favourable fortune; having the feeling arising from the consciousness of well-being or of enjoyment; enjoying good of any kind, as peace, tranquillity, comfort; contented; joyous.

As a noun nappy is





  • Experiencing the effect of favourable fortune; having the feeling arising from the consciousness of well-being or of enjoyment; enjoying good of any kind, as peace, tranquillity, comfort; contented; joyous.
  • * 1769 , Oxford Standard text, , 144, xv,
  • Happy' is that people, that is in such a case: yea, ' happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.
  • * 1777 , (Alexander Pope), An Essay on Man in Four Epistles: Argument of Epistle II'', in ''The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Esq , Volume III, page 26,
  • The learn'd is happy' nature to explore, / The fool is ' happy that he knows no more ;
    Music makes me feel happy .
  • Favored by luck or fortune; lucky.
  • * 1661 , (Robert Boyle), (The Sceptical Chymist) , 2006, Elibron Classics (imprint), page 227,
  • I may presume that what I have hitherto discoursed will induce you to think, that chymists have been much more happy in finding experiments than the causes of them; or in assigning the principles by which they may best be explained.
  • Dexterous; ready; apt; felicitous.
  • * 1761 , (Jonathan Swift), A Complete Collection of Genteel and Ingenious Conversation'': Introduction, in ''The works of Dr Jonathan Swift , Volume VII, page 246,
  • For instance, one lady can give an an?wer better than a?k a que?tion : one gentleman is happy at a reply ; another excels in a rejoinder : one can revive a langui?hing conver?ation by a ?udden ?urpri?ing ?entence ;.
  • Content, satisfied (with or to do something); having no objection (to something).
  • Are you happy to pay me back by the end of the week?
    Are you happy with your internet service provider?
  • (As a suffix to a noun) favouring or inclined to use, as in trigger-happy.
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2012 , date=August 21 , author=Jason Heller , title=The Darkness: Hot Cakes (Music Review) , work=The Onion AV Club citation , page= , passage=“Baby, I was a loser / Several years on the dole / An Englishman with a very high voice / Doing rock ’n’ roll,” sings falsetto-happy frontman Justin Hawkins at the start of “Every Inch Of You,” Hot Cakes ’ opener.}}

    Usage notes

    * Said of expedients, efforts, ventures, omens, etc. * (experiencing the effect of favorable fortune) Said of people, hours, thoughts, times, etc.


    * (favored by luck) lucky, fortunate, prosperous, cheerful, content, delighted, elated, exultant, orgasmic See


    * sad * unhappy * unpleasant, displeasing, unenjoyable

    Derived terms

    * happify * happily * happiness * happy as a lark * happy as a pig in shit * happy as Larry * happy bunny * happy chappy * happy-clappy * happy families * happy family * happy-go-lucky * happy hour * happy slapping * happy talk * slap-happy * trigger-happy



    (wikipedia nappy)

    Etymology 1

    Probably shortened from napkin (but possibly a corruption of (etyl) nappe, since napkin is already a diminutive).


  • (British, Ireland, Australia, South Africa) An absorbent garment worn by a baby who does not yet have voluntary control of his or her bladder and bowels or by someone who is incontinent; a diaper.
  • * 1995 , Jennie Lindon, Lance Lindon, Leandra Negrini, Caring for Young Children , page 60,
  • You will notice that disposable nappies are sold in boy and girl versions. They vary in where the thickest padding is provided.
  • * 2005 , Medical Association of Malawi, Malawi Medical Journal: The Journal of Medical Association of Malawi , Volume 17, page 39,
  • Other equipment required was soap for hand washing and washing of nappies', a washing line for the drying of ' nappies ,.
  • * 2008 , Isabelle Young, Healthy Travel: Asia & India , Lonely Planet, 2nd edition, page 275,
  • You could burn disposable nappies' (not a very practical option); otherwise, it?s probably best to take a supply of large plastic bags or ' nappy sacks with you and to dispose of them as thoughtfully as you can.
  • * 2009 , Chris Arnold, Ethical Marketing and The New Consumer , page 55,
  • In response we mailed hundreds of nappies' to students in halls. On the ' nappy was a simple message, IT'S A LOT EASIER TO PUT ON A CONDOM.
    * (qualifier) diaper * (qualifier) napkin

    See also

    * (Diaper)


  • To put a nappy on.
  • The mother nappied the baby.

    Etymology 2

    From .


  • Having a nap (of cloth etc.); downy; shaggy.
  • * 1950 , US District Courts, US Court of Claims, US Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, Federal Supplement, Volume 89, page 438,
  • The original accused device, as was the patented device, was made of cotton flannel with a nappy surface on each side,.
  • (US, slang) Of hair: tightly curled or twisted; frizzy (occasionally specifically in reference to Blacks' textured hair).
  • * 1987 , , Assata: An Autobiography , page 30,
  • We would talk about each other?s ugly, big lips and flat noses. We would call each other pickaninnies and nappy -haired so-and-so?s.
  • * 2006 , Ronald L. Jackson II, Scripting the Black Masculine Body , page 52,
  • For example, some Black people?s corporeal zones include nappy hair texture, wide noses, thick lips, and darker-than-white skin complexion, all of which come into play when an individual is interacting with a cultural “Other.”
  • * 2010 , Nadine George-Graves, Urban Bush Women: Twenty Years of African American Dance Theater, Community Engagement, and Working It Out , page 50,
  • She had decided to just cover her hair with a scarf because Aunt Bell was “old school” and Zollar did not want to have to explain why she had nappy hair.
  • Inclined to sleep; sleepy.
  • to feel nappy

    See also

    * (Afro-textured hair)

    Etymology 3

    From (etyl) nap, from (etyl) . See hanaper.

    Alternative forms

    * nappie


  • A shallow, flat-bottomed earthenware or glass bowl with sloping sides.
  • * 1902 , Charles Austin Bates, The Art and Literature of Business , Volume 4, page 328,
  • Suppose you advertise a “five-inch glass nappy .” It doesn?t tell a reader anything — a woman especially. She can?t tell how big five inches are anyway ; but just say, “large imitation cut glass fruit saucers at thirty cents a dozen,” and get your packers ready.
  • * 1909 , Milton Osman Jones, Guide to Successful Squab Raising , page 11,
  • The use of a glazed earthenware nesting-dish, or “nappy , ” 9 inches in diameter across the top, is strongly advised.
  • * 1914 , Southern Pharmaceutical Journal , Volume 7, page 626,
  • Place a slice of pineapple in a fruit nappy , place on it a No. 10 cone of vanilla ice cream and pour over it a ladle of chop suey dressing, crowning it with a freshly opened lycher nut or a cherry.

    Etymology 4


  • (of a drink) Foamy; having a large head.
  • (of a horse) Nervous, excitable.
  • *1928 , (Siegfried Sassoon), Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man , Penguin 2013, p. 161:
  • *:‘He's a mutton-fisted beggar; but the horse is a bit nappy , and young Roger'll be the man to keep him going at his fences.’
  • * 1948 , John Edward Hance, Better Horsemanship , page 73,
  • I do feel, however, that in talking lightheartedly of making rearing, pulling or nappy horses into useful members of equine society I am treading on very dangerous ground.
  • * 2006 , Karen Coumbe, Karen Bush, The Complete Equine Emergency Bible , page 151,
  • Note that it is possible that a horse is not in fact being nappy at all, but is suffering the onset of muscle disorders: it is up to the rider to interpret the signs correctly.
  • * 2007 , Michael Peace, Lesley Bayley, The Q and a Guide to Understanding Your Horse , page 66,
  • When riders are too dominant various problems can arise: a horse may become nappy , or refuse to go forward.


  • (obsolete) A kind of strong ale; nappy ale.
  • * 1827 , R. Charlton, Newcastle Improvements'', in T. Thompson, et al. ''A Collection of Songs, Comic and Satirical, Chiefly in the Newcastle Dialect , page 151,
  • Aw?ve seen when we?ve gyen iv a kind, freenly way / To be blithe ower a jug o? good nappy
  • * 1857 , , The Cruise of the Betsey , 2009, Echo Library, page 248,
  • Weel do I mind that in a? our neeborly meetings—bridals, christenings, lyke-wakes an? the like,—we entertained ane anither wi? rich nappy ale;. But the tea has put out the nappy'; an? I have remarked, that by losing the ' nappy we lost baith ghaists an? fairies.