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Gum vs Butter - What's the difference?

gum | butter |

As a symbol gum

is the iso 3166-1 three-letter (alpha-3) code for guam.

As a noun butter is




Etymology 1

From (etyl) gome, from (etyl) . More at yawn.


(en noun)
  • (often, in the plural) The flesh round the teeth.
  • Synonyms
    * gingiva (medical)
    Derived terms
    * gumboil * gum-didder * gum-digger * gum-digging * gum disease * gumless * gummed * gummy * gum ridge * gum-ring * gum-rubber * gum shield * gum-stake * gum-tickler * gum-tooth * gumwork


  • To chew, especially of a toothless person or animal.
  • To deepen and enlarge the spaces between the teeth of (a worn saw), as with a gummer.
  • Etymology 2

    (etyl) gomme, gumme, from (etyl) gome, from (qem?t, qemài ) 'acanthus resin'.


  • (uncountable) Any of various viscous or sticky substances that are exuded by certain plants.
  • (uncountable) Any viscous or sticky substance resembling those that are exuded by certain plants.
  • (uncountable) Chewing gum.
  • (countable) A single piece of chewing gum.
  • Do you have a gum to spare?
  • (US, dialect, Southern US) A hive made of a section of a hollow gum tree; hence, any roughly made hive.
  • (US, dialect, Southern US) A vessel or bin made from a hollow log.
  • (US, dialect) A rubber overshoe.
  • Derived terms
    * acacia gum * accaroid gum, accroides gum * apple-gum * bee gum * begum * black gum * blue gum * box-gum * British gum * bubble gum, bubble-gum, bubblegum * carob gum * chagual gum * chewing gum * chicle gum * dammar gum * degum * doctor-gum * doctor's gum * elastic gum * free gum * gellan gum * ghatti gum * grilled gum * guar gum * gum acacia * gum acaroidea, gum accroides * gum albanum * gum ammoniac * gum anima, , gum animi * gum animal * gum arabic * gumball * gum band * gum benjamin * gum benzoin * gum bichromate * gum-boiler * gum boot, gumboot * gum-bucket * gum butea * gum camphor * gum-chewer * gum-chewing * gum cistus * gum dammar * gum-digger * gum-digging * gum dragon * gum-drop, gumdrop * gum elastic * gum elemi * gum eraser * gum eurphorbium * gum-field * gum-flowers * gum-game * gum guaiac * gum-hole * gum ivy * gum juniper * gum karaya * gum kino * gum labdanum * gum lac * gum-land * gumlands * gum-line, gumline * gummage * gummy * gum myrrh * gum myrtle * gum nut * gum of ivy * gum olibanum * gum over platinum * gum-paper * gum passage * gum plant * gum-platinum * gum pot * gum print * gum printing * gum-rash * gum resin * gum rockrose * gum sandarac * gum sangapenum * gum-seal * gum-senegal * gumshoe * gum silk * gum stick * gum-succory * gum-sucker * gum-taffeta * gum-thistle * gum thus * gum tragacanth * gum tree * gum turpentine * gum (verb) * gum water * gum wood, gumwood * gum-worker * hog gum * karaya gum * Kordofan gum * locust bean gum * log gum * manna gum * mastic gum * mountain gum * natural gum * red gum * ribbon gum * slum gum, slumgum * snow gum * sonora gum * sour gum * spotted gum * spruce gum * sterculia gum * sugar gum, sugar-gum * sweet gum, sweet gum-tree * tara gum * ungum * white gum * xanthan gum * York gum


  • (sometimes with up) To apply an adhesive or gum to; to make sticky by applying a sticky substance to.
  • * 2012 , Julie Hedgepeth Williams, A Rare Titanic Family: The Caldwells' Story of Survival (ISBN 1603061169), page 184:
  • However, Albert said in his audiotape and in his speech that a lever designed to release the lifeboat's block and tackle was gummed up with red paint.
  • To stiffen with glue or gum.
  • * Shakespeare
  • He frets like a gummed velvet.
  • (colloquial, with up) To impair the functioning of a thing or process.
  • That cheap oil will gum up the engine valves.
    The new editor can gum up your article with too many commas.

    Derived terms

    * gum up * gum up the works



    (wikipedia butter)

    Etymology 1

    From (etyl), from (etyl) ).


  • (uncountable) A soft, fatty foodstuff made by churning the cream of milk (generally cow's milk).
  • (countable, obsolete, chemistry) Any specific soft substance.
  • butter of antimony
  • (uncountable) Any of various foodstuffs made from other foods or oils, similar in consistency to, eaten like or intended as a substitute for butter (preceded by the name of the food used to make it ).
  • peanut butter
    Derived terms
    * almond-butter * apple butter * as if butter would not melt in one's mouth * bean-butter * body butter * bog-butter * brandy butter * bread and butter * bread buttered on both sides * butteraceous * butter-ale * butter-and-egg man * butter and eggs, butter-and-eggs * butter and tallow tree * butter-ball, butterball * butter-back * butter-badger * butter-bag * butter-bake * butter-barrel * butter-basher * butter bean * butter-bird * butter-bitten * butter-boat * butterbore * butter-bowzy * butter-box * butter-boy * butterbread * butter brickle * butterbur * butter-bush * butter-cake * butterchurn * butter clam * butter cloth * butter color, butter colour * butter-cooler * butter cream * butter cross * buttercup * butter curler * butter-cutter * butter dish, butter-dish * butter dock, butter-dock * butter-duck * butter-factor * butter fat, butter-fat, butterfat * butter-fingered, butterfingered * butter-fingers, butterfingers * butter-fish, butterfish * butter-flip * butter-flower * butter icing * butterie * butterine * butterish * butter-jags * butter knife, butter-knife * butter-lamp * butter-leaves * butterless * butter letter * butter-man * butter-mark * butter-milk, buttermilk * butter-mold, butter-mould * butter-mouth * butter muslin * butter-nut, butternut * butter of almonds * butter of antimony * butter of arsenic * butter of bismuth * butter of cacao * butter of mace * butter of tin * butter of wax * butter of zinc * butter oil * butter paper * butter-pat * butter-pear * butter-plate * butter-print * butter-queen * butter-rigged * butter-root * butter salt * butter scoop * butterscot, butter-scotch, butterscotch * butter-slide, butterslide * butter spade * butter-spreader * butter stamp * butter-stick * butter substitute * butter tart * butter-toast * butter tongs * butter-tooth * butter-toothed * butter-tree * butter trier * butter-weed, butterweed * butter week * butter-weight * butter-whore * butter-wife * butter-woman * butter-worker * butter-working * butterwort * buttery * butter yellow * cacao butter * clarified butter * cocoa butter * coconut butter * cocum butter, kokum butter * dika-butter * drawn butter * duck butter * fairy butter, fairy's butter * Galam butter * gren butter * mahwa-butter * make butter and cheese of * May butter * melted butter * nut butter * palm-butter * peanut butter * process butter * renovated butter * rock butter * rum butter * shea butter * sugar-butter sauce * vegetable butter * witches' butter


    (en verb)
  • To spread butter on.
  • Butter the toast.
  • to move one's weight backwards or forwards onto the tips or tails of one's skis or snowboard so only the tip or tail is in contact with the snow.
  • (slang, obsolete, transitive) To increase (stakes) at every throw of dice, or every game.
  • (Johnson)
    Derived terms
    * butter one's bread on both sides * butter the cony * butter up * fine words butter no parsnips * have one's bread buttered for life * know which side one's bread is buttered on
    See also
    * butyraceous * ghee

    Etymology 2


    (en noun)
  • Someone who butts; someone who butts in
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