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Guilty vs Foxly - What's the difference?

guilty | foxly |

As adjectives the difference between guilty and foxly

is that guilty is responsible for a dishonest act while foxly is like, resembling, or characteristic of a fox; vulpine.

As a noun guilty

is (legal) a plea by a defendant who does not contest a charge.




  • Responsible for a dishonest act.
  • :
  • (lb) Judged to have committed a crime.
  • :
  • Having a sense of guilt.
  • :
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=8 , passage=I corralled the judge, and we started off across the fields, in no very mild state of fear of that gentleman's wife, whose vigilance was seldom relaxed. And thus we came by a circuitous route to Mohair, the judge occupied by his own guilty thoughts, and I by others not less disturbing.}}
  • Blameworthy.
  • :
  • *
  • *:At twilight in the summereat the luncheon crumbs. Mr. Checkly, for instance, always brought his dinner in a paper parcel in his coat-tail pocket, and ate it when so disposed, sprinkling crumbs lavishly—the only lavishment of which he was ever guilty —on the floor.
  • Synonyms

    * (l) * (l) (dialectal)


    * not guilty * innocent


  • (legal) A plea by a defendant who does not contest a charge.
  • (legal) A verdict of a judge or jury on a defendant judged to have committed a crime.
  • One who is declared guilty of a crime.
  • * {{quote-book, 1997, , Everyone Is Entitled to My Opinion citation
  • , passage=The not guilties walked out and went to work if they had jobs; the guilties were hauled away to spend maybe thirty days on the county farm growing cabbage.}}




    (en adjective)
  • Like, resembling, or characteristic of a fox; vulpine.
  • *1917 , Henry Handel Richardson, Australia Felix :
  • His foxly object was attained. The attention of the hunters was diverted.
  • *1968 , Hugh Latimer, Allan Griffith Chester, Selected Sermons of Hugh Latimer :
  • But the children of this world have worldly policy, foxly craft, lionlike cruelty, power to do hurt more than either aspis or basiliscus, engendering and doing all things fraudulently, [...]
  • *2008 , Joseph R. Conlin, The American Past: A Survey of American History :
  • Howe and the army settled into New York where the population was friendly, including a huge contingent of prostitutes whom both Americans and British described as a terrifying lot: “bitch foxly jades, hogs, strums.”
    (Webster 1913)