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Grow vs Null - What's the difference?

grow | null |

As a verb grow

is (ergative) to become bigger.

As a noun null is

zero, nil; the cardinal number before einn.




  • (ergative) To become bigger.
  • Children grow quickly.
  • To appear or sprout.
  • Flowers grew on the trees as summer approached.
    A long tail began to grow from his backside.
  • To cause or allow something to become bigger, especially to cultivate plants.
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2011 , date=March 01 , author=Peter Roff , title=Another Foolish Move By Congress , work=Fox News citation , passage=The Bush administration – which sought to grow the number of fisheries managed under a program known as “catch shares”... }}
    He grows peppers and squash each summer in his garden.
    Have you ever grown your hair before?
  • (copulative) To assume a condition or quality over time.
  • The boy grew wise as he matured.
    The town grew smaller and smaller in the distance as we travelled.
    You have grown strong.
  • (obsolete) To become attached or fixed; to adhere.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Our knees shall kneel till to the ground they grow .

    Usage notes

    * Growed is a slang or dialect inflection for the simple past and past participle.


    * shrink

    Derived terms

    * grow a pair * growed * grower * grow house * growing pains * growing point * grown-up * grow on * grow op * grow out of * growth * grow up * outgrow * overgrow




    (en noun)
  • A non-existent or empty value or set of values.
  • Zero]] quantity of [[expression, expressions; nothing.
  • (Francis Bacon)
  • Something that has no force or meaning.
  • (computing) the ASCII or Unicode character (), represented by a zero value, that indicates no character and is sometimes used as a string terminator.
  • (computing) the attribute of an entity that has no valid value.
  • Since no date of birth was entered for the patient, his age is null .
  • One of the beads in nulled work.
  • (statistics) null hypothesis
  • Adjective

    (en adjective)
  • Having no validity, "null and void"
  • insignificant
  • * 1924 , Marcel Proust, Within a Budding Grove :
  • In proportion as we descend the social scale our snobbishness fastens on to mere nothings which are perhaps no more null than the distinctions observed by the aristocracy, but, being more obscure, more peculiar to the individual, take us more by surprise.
  • absent or non-existent
  • (mathematics) of the null set
  • (mathematics) of or comprising a value of precisely zero
  • (genetics, of a mutation) causing a complete loss of gene function, amorphic.
  • Derived terms

    * nullity


    (en verb)
  • to nullify; to annul
  • (Milton)

    See also

    * nil ----